hey all,had a dyno day organised for a while now with some of the S.A stagea lads
michael @ turbotune has kindly offered to open up shop for us on sunday to chuck some cars on the rollers and make abit of a day out of it,would like to make it worth their while opening on a sunday for us so we have a few spots still available for others cars
if anyones keen the price is $50 for your dyno time,and if you want to chuck in an extra $5 for lunch and a drink,i can supply that
will have the BBQ down there for the day
it is a 4WD dyno
will be taking money before the day,to ensure we get commitment.if you would like to come down for a run then feel free to pm me and ill forward the details to you so you can make a internet transfer into the account.michael wants the money paid before the day to make sure it worth their time opening
everyones welcome,once people are paid up,ill finalise things with michael eg- start/finish times
and if people need to go on at a certain time i can easily sort that out for you
places are limited so if you want a cheap power run,jump on it quickly
people can also come down for a look if they want
cheers everyone