i know we've all been waiting patiently for another cruise.thanks to adam for organising the last one(even tho he didnt show and craig,aleks and myself took over)
i hope everybody enjoyed the drive,they are some of the best roads i know down that way
some of you may know i love all things rotary,and ive owned my fair share of mazda's
heres what id like to do
SArotors.org is holding their club birthday cruise,and id like us to join them
im sure there will be some tough old school rotors out for such an event
the cruise has been set for sunday 8th november at 10am at ingle farm shopping centre
if anyone from down south want to meet up for a coffee in glenelg on their way thro to the meet spot,let me know or wants to meet up and drive up there together ill be more than happy to work it out with you
if anyone has a major problem with us being on the SArotors cruise then pm me and ill be more than happy to discuss it with you
ill be going either way
thanks everyone
Edit by Mods as per request of -RBD2- :
SArotors have decided that "defectable Nissans" won't be welcome on their cruise, so plans are changing. The date will remain the same (November the 8th), but the location will be revealed via PM, so please send one to -RBD2- to get the details...