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    South Yarra, Templestowe

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    PV35 GT8
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  1. just wonder, would those battery/alternator tester good for simply self diagnostics? wondering if something like this would save me workshop checkup? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/12-Volt-LED-Battery-Alternator-Tester-Cars-Trucks-Tuner-Power-Check-Up-/290627052562?pt=Motors_Automotive_Tools&hash=item43aab8e412
  2. just went to fit the battery in my car....yes at 2am.... looks like the old dead battery wont hold any charges or discharges so quickly, noticed when i got there and panel lights only came up about 20% of the normal brightness and whoolaa~~car starts smoothly, started just like when i pick up the car from dealer~ much appreciated for all you guys' feedback. still gonna bring the car just for general check up anyway on tuesday, at least i saved couple hundreds for towing plus the risks for parking the car off street in the middle of no where
  3. many thx for the inputs, just got my self a new battery, Century NS60LS, hopefully i dont need tow truck on Tuesday
  4. you're right!! it does sound like machine gun.... just wonder as for dead battery....does still make panel lights and all other electrical component to work still?? if so I'll definitely go and get new battery now before i call tow truck and get it in for workshop... my BEST guess to dead battery = i havent replace it yet since i got the car about 4 years ago......
  5. went to nearby suburb for house inspection, battery came flat when leaving from house, and pulled out my jumpstarter and got it working, 20min on the road with no problem, after we inspect the first house and ready for next one, problem started.....its a v35gt-8 car wont start...... so i pull out jumpstarter again and still wont start, battery seem to be okay even got someone else's car to help me to jump start just in case my jumpstarter is running flat too, that still wont start, its making fast clicking noise when i try to start the engine, my first though will be engine starter... but the guy from other car try to help me with jump start says its timing belt as he had the same issue last month.. worst thing happens at the worst time....its holy weekend and no mechanics until tuesday... i forgot to run self ECU diag while i was there... anyone else had the similar issue? or any idea what's the $$$ tag i m look on fixing this? cheers
  6. does it matter if i can take it for scan straight away as I been overseas for 2 weeks and left battery out during this time, not sure if that will reset the ECU/TCU codes and i havnt drive the car yet. or does make it any different if i bring the car for scan on the HOT day too?
  7. Hi all, any recommendation for getting car service/scan in west or close to city of Melbourne? My 350GT8 doesnt like the hot weather most of the time, something feels like overheated in the middle of drive, the transmission doesnt shift up and act funny like rev up as much as I smash the paddle then release it quickly even my foot never move. (at this point all panel lights are normal) so i pull over and turn off engine and restart, the CVT light flashe, but when i try with the engine self diagnose, all i got is 10s of long/short flashes (means 0000) i had to pull aside on the road, turn off engine and cool it down a bit before it become drivable again. so far this only happens to hot day (over 35 degrees), i've checked other posts and someone had similar issue with speed sensor. I want get a proper scan before look into possibility of CVT failure...because its gonna cost me too much to get it done for sure, Cheers,
  8. last drop....$450 for whole set
  9. need this gone by this long weekend holiday~any offer contact me on my mobile 0425858554
  10. price dropped to $500 for whole set!!! its clean and ready to go. buzz me on 0425858554
  11. price dropped to $500 for whole set!!! its clean and ready to go. buzz me on 0425858554
  12. its 17x7 +40 offset like i said in the OP you can organise your own courier~
  13. The wheels are cleaned and ready to go. First person with payment will get it~ act quick~
  14. This is up for sale. Any takers?
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