Entries are open!
We are using the CAMS online entry system for this round https://www.meecamsau.com/
Please select Skills Training if you would like to be involved in that group.
Cost $185 for members, $225 for non-members
Maximum of 60 entries
Sup & Regs
“Skills Training Group” sessions are a separate group in this event and Drivers participate only in this group.
The Initial Skills Training session will be conducted under the control of a pace car. Drivers that have nominated for Skills Training will be driven by a Driver Advisor (up to 4 occupants in a vehicle) in a sedan. The Driver Advisor will complete a number of laps (under space car control) educating on line, braking, acceleration, cornering and other skills.
Thereafter; Skills Training sessions will consist of an Eight (8) minute timed session, plus cool down lap. The number of laps in this component may be varied at the discretion of the Clerk of Course. Cars will be released onto the circuit one at a time with a suitable gap between each car.
SAU VIC are conducting this event. This event has a focus on driver training and skills improvement. The event will be un-timed, meaning we can run passenger laps. While there is a focus on training for the day, more experienced drivers are welcome and will be grouped appropriately. So if you are looking to test your car, take your mates for a ride or just come to a low stress track day this is the one to come to. There will be SAU VIC member pricing discount for this event along with SAU VIC membership discounts.