It runs pretty much the same.
- They run a split roast for lunch
- Stop for lunch
- 4 colour groups
- White, Red, Yellow and Green
- Generally Red or Yellow will get split into A and B (two different groups), so 5 total.
- Maserati club members generally have older cars, thus by the end of the day they are either fat on lunch and don't go out or their car is busted
- Not that many exotic turn up actually, more ex tarmac rally cars and the like. You do get the odd lambo and feza turn up
The sound restrictions do suck, the track was there before the house yada. But that is what we have to deal with, so if you have ext gate you are f*ked. Plain and simple (there are exceptions, but you have to do a lot of work to the exhaust to quieten it down)