You will need to get under it for sure would love to see a video if done all from the top. I've had the turbz off 5-6 times now, all up on jack stands.I find it easier if you take the turbo out with the dump attached. That way you don't snap the studs/bolts on the dump.
Take all the intake piping off the car, unbolt the power steering res so you can move it round, unbolt the cat from the front pipe.
Then under the car take the oil return line off and cover the barb on the engine so you dont get shit in there. Take both water lines off. Take the oil feed off. Take the O2 sensor out.
Lift the turbo out with the dump attached.
The water banjos are large 22 or 24mm. So make sure you have a spanner that large. You will need new crush washers for the oil and water lines, your local auto store should have those.
You will also need new manifold to turbo and turbo to dump gaskets.
Spray the shit out of the bolts with WD40 and let it sit before you attack them. If they loosen then get tight again, make sure you tighten 1/4 of a turn then try and loosen again. Keep doing that till it is off. Else you may snap it.
Getting is out is not that hard, getting the water banjos back on is a royal PITA.