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About Jonno34

  • Birthday 28/09/1993

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    Mount Claremont, WA

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    98 R34 25GT, 95 E36 320i
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  1. you could try carpro PERL. It's pretty cheap, and since you dilute it you get quite alot out of that one bottle. it's really easy to apply, you just spray it on and let it dry, although for areas like engine bays I tend to use an applicator. It could be good for doing your wheel arches though since you just spray it on? It's also really cheap. It's decently durable, but not particularly great, especially if diluted. 303 is probably a bit better. But then again - if you're washing it every week this is a cheap solution and easy to use?
  2. hm in terms of pads for hand polish theres not too much option. off the shelf I think the meguiar's foam ones are alright, pretty good price too. If you're prepared to pay a bit more, could try Lake country hand applicator pads - orange or white should be good, depending how much cutting ability you need. for a polish I haven't really been up to date with off the shelf stuff. My favourite was always the autoglym paint renovator though. could try meg's ultimate compound, it seems to be quite popular. I believe it used to be P21S paint cleansing lotion that was known to be pretty good for hand polishing. But you could use any cutting compound really - menzernas - depending how much cut you need. I havn't really tried to get rid of anything major with a hand polish, but with enough effort you may see some decent results !
  3. If i'm not wrong its about 8k or something to put an east bear kit on. I could be wrong though, its been a long time since i've looked into it. imho, keep your gt/gtt looking the way it is, and if you want a body kit, get something that was made for gt/gtt, keep the authenticity of it. It'll also be alot cheaper. think about 2k for sides/rear including fitting/painting? when i first got mine i just wanted it to look like a gt-r. but after i'm so glad i didn't. mine just has a basic impul sides/rear on it, and its been lowered onto some 18" wheels. you could do something like the altia kit, very popular, so if you sell it should be all good it'll make the gt-r that much sweeter when we finally get it
  4. I has been linked. Mine are used too sorry man Would nissan perhaps be able to bring em in for u? Not cheap obv but yeah
  5. Suds really aren't too important mate, Final inspections PPBS (high end soap) doesn't sud very much at all. neither does auto glyms. All you need are lubricity and a PH balanced solution as was previously mentioned.
  6. Nah not too sure why man sorry. Yeah it was a great inbetweener between a quick gloss boost and another application of wax or sealant or something. they were meant to be replacing it with their own quick wax. but its been replaced with dark matter - which is really not as convenient as a spray. the dark matter "booster" - "dark energy" i guess has a bit more protection than gloss boost. but i doubt it'd be quite as good as OCW not quite sure where to get it now really! i generally buy stuff from FI or waxit. im sure its still out there somewhere though!
  7. I just use normal car polish ... any cutting type will do the job with even just a hand applicator. nice and easy, just do whenever you're giving your car a polish, or while you're waiting for wax or whatever to dry.
  8. i usually just use water or put some nice car wash solution in there with water
  9. did the vaseline end up working?
  10. good luck hope it works, jst try on a small spot first .. and make sure its a clean rag!
  11. I love using autosol on metal .. not entirely sure if itll work but give it a go perhaps? just get a clean rag and buff on buff off some autosol in a small spot to check how it goes.
  12. i dont find foaming to be all that effective but maybe thats just me i have that little karcher one - ive tried it a few times and overall havent been too impressed. for a pre wash i usually use something like FI PPBS - spray a little bit of (undiluted) wash solution on each panel and high pressure it slowly down the panels - it seems to work okay and imo better than a foam lance. Id assume any other wash solution would work just as well You could try that too - its a bit cheaper
  13. I have the impul copies on my car those and the altia ones are pretty nice looking imo i like the stock front bumper - just needs a lip of some sort on bottom
  14. spoiler shop did a pretty good job on my car check out a few other places though, and try to get a fixed quote on fitting/painting the kit on from the other places - that way you avoid them charging you bucketloads for labour if the kit doesnt fit well and yeah getting them online yourself is always cheaper - skipping the middleman haha. vivagarage is pretty cheap but im not entirely too sure on the quality of their body kits, ive heard a few mixed reviews. good luk mate i think in style customs pricing is similar to spoiler shops btw
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