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About Jez13

  • Birthday 08/02/1984

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    Hills - Sydney

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  • Car(s)
    08 WRX
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  1. Is anyone going to post up their pics or a youtube link? I did a video from inside my car with a handy cam but I am sure it wont be nearly as good as the go-pro guys.
  2. Hey guys good to see you all again. Met some first timers with sau too, hope you had fun guys. Sorry to CIL50V in the purple r33 gtr with the gopro for getting stuck behind my rex the whole way. Will you be uploading your footage?
  3. Hang on... the cruise organiser has bailed....? Who will be the new organiser person?
  4. Please add myself and my brother to the list. Jez - 08 WRX Favio - 99 Gallant VR4 Hey Doofy!!!! Long long time no speak.
  5. Yeah mate, I got one of yours getting on. I think I was a micro-second too late though as the shutter closed right when your front right wheel hit the bump/ramp. I will put it up for you tonight if I can. PS - On a an unrelated topic - does anyone know when your warn status goes back down? Mine hasnt moved in years and I am itching to swear and be humourously abusive again.
  6. Here is a couple, I hope they work as I have not done attachments since the upgrade. I wasn't going to attach any because I am no pro but because not alot have been added I thought I should throw them in. It was good to meet Bob (owner of the mint Aussie delivered 32 gtr) who joined me and my friends (White Evo 8 MR and the Bel garage yellow DC2 ITR) for lunch at the wiseman's in. We could not make it on the ferry with our cars so we apologize for the bail. Doof, many a words have been exchanged over the forum and I didn't say hi, lol. What a snob haha. I only assumed you where there because msdoof was there but had nfi which guy you were. Jason FLN77S - was great hanging with you again. Thanks for meeting at my house with your mates, sorry we could not stick together in the cruise - cars just went everywhere lol.
  7. Doesn't that guy go to the putty - not wiseman's? Or is he an SAU member in disgiuse?
  8. Im in with my rex - will have my swaybars installed by then. Might bring my bro with his dc2 itr.
  9. Ive been pulled over by a large woman with a shaved head and no bra, at least it didnt look like she was wearing one. There was no way any politeness or honesty was going to get me out of this one, I was lucky I wasn't eaten. Mind you, she was trying to book me for going through an orange light, to which I contested in court and won. I wonder if the 'stupid cop stuff' thread is still floating around the wasteland. All sorts of fun stuff in there.
  10. Changed my oil in my 08 wrx (35,000ks). Used motul 300v 5w30 power racing, $60 for 2 litres (lucky my car only uses 4, unlike the gtr which used close to 6 with alll the external lines and coolers, cans etc). Very happy with the results. The car seems to rev easier, sound quiter and accelerate smoother. Who would have thought such a difference could have come from using a better oil. To be fair though, the Subaru service centre were using a 5w30 semi castrol, so one would expect such a difference.
  11. I see. Not him then. yellow + black generic plates xx-##-xx probably not on here then i suppose.
  12. Spotted aggroman parked at bernie mullane sporting complex last night. Well I think it is him, the only red N/A 34 with a P plate in wstrn syd that I have seen. I have also spotted you on samantha riley drive in kellyville x 11ty million.
  13. Name: Jethro Car Make: KIA Car Model: Not sure, badge fell off...Rio? Year: 1999 Rego: POO BKT Power: 14kw at the front left wheel Other mods: Static strip, aircon cup holder Anything worth mentioning: Unique crack in windscreen *Attach Picture* *Fill out and attach Auto Salon entry form*
  14. Well kind of. I had to compile some reports and then present them in a teleconference at 11pm to the US. Sarked deek. Did you get new rims?
  15. spotted you on sam riley yesterday arvo. I was behind you in the subbie.
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