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Everything posted by BASHO

  1. FFS will you R34GTT owners register for the R34GTT farker ? I registered about 3 months ago and at the rate of registration increases are going it'll never happen as they won't get the numbers before every R34 has aged out of existance . Sorry about the Hijack here.
  2. I bought a set of new Enkei RP03 's fitted, balanced and new wheel nuts 17x8 40 offset, 114.3 stud pattern, wieght 8.14kg, they cost $1200 fitted an balanced. this was actualy less bucks than I'd been quoted for Drifteks. Came across these, wonder about the price though ? http://www.aus300zx.com/forum/showthread.php?t=275064
  3. OK if anyones going to fleebay for a squiz just copy and paste the id---120509670219 it'll work. I'd post it up properly on here if you're serious about selling here.
  4. Get the fattest piece of hose you can get through the plug hole and still wiggle around, tape one end of the hose to the most powerfull vacuum cleaner you can find hose , empty the vac before you start so you can see what you've managed to get out , now , shove the taped on hose down the plug hole n start vac'n and wigglin .
  5. Thanks for that , I actualy found the total answer here http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/He...eh-t299231.html The Nissan service manual I have assumes that a certain amount of vehicle specific knowledge is already present , which in this instance and in my case it wasn't.
  6. If agregate speed is what your refering to---nah-- , you'll be pinged a number of times over a set distance and even if you aren't speeding at any particular one but your average speed exceeds the posted limit--you're nicked--.
  7. Well WTF wouldn't you have one if you live in WA and you've got a happy right foot ? I've been considering hooking one even though they're illegal as some are being advertised as "undetectable" only a lack of actual proof of this undetectability have stopped me.
  8. The real anawer to all the speed camera bullshit is radar detectors, it beeps--motorist slows down , right safety result or cop the ticket and don't whinge , right revenue raising result---ah-- but wait , radar detectors--illegal--big fine--not nice. Face it you're going to get it straight up the ass if you speed no matter how stupid or unposted the speed limit may be. I've only had one speeding ticket in my life (I'm friken 60 and beyond grumpy) and I've driven at suicidal speeds when I was younger--my one speeding ticket--doing 70 in a 60 zone about 9 months ago in a friken French junk heap Citroen C2. The reason--well the QLD has found a new way of pinging drivers--- 70 speed limit--- approach roundabout 60 speed limit---exit roandabout 60 speed limit---same road 70 speed limit---frakin nah still 60 , bada boom- pinged by an unmarked 50 mtres down the road. That and just don't periodicaly post speed limits at the roadside , but change the limit for no apparent reason on the same stretch of road.--nice eh ?
  9. Thanks mate, jeez it's a chicken and egg situation when I had my WRX I had the timing belt done @96000ks and no mention of the water pump by Spubaru but the WRX was only 4 years old so the seals probably wouldn't have time to harden up , I'm thinking I'll just bite the bullet and go with a genuine one as I intend to keep the car a while. Then it's done and done and I'll probably have karked it before I have to think about it again turns a $500 job into a $800 bite.
  10. They're essential for the raising of lots of revenue not to be used on road improvements as a recent study in the US found that bad roads are actualy the main cause by far of automobile accidents and we wouldn't want that to change that now would we ?
  11. Yup, I registered on thier thingo for the translation of the R34GTT manual a while ago, but I'm not holding my breath, if the R33 one is OK and covers the R33 ser II I'll get one of those to fumble through with .
  12. Thanks very much for that. Mine smells like an oriental knocking shop , quite pleasant actualy , so I'm guessing that the filters were new in Japan before it was imported or were renewed by the dealer prior to it going on the yard, so it may have formally been a cats piss percy . What was the stinko with yours anyhew ? How much were the replacement filters ? -if you don't mind me asking. You could try spraying Glen 20 into the intake with the fan on full, if its fungal/bacterial thingo that may get it ? just a thought.
  13. I want to check mine out also but the service manual looses me with the first removal instruction--- 1/"remove the instrument lower assist panel"--i would absolutely love to --if only I knew WTF it actualy is . 2/"remove the clip and remove the cover" I still aint got past 1/ 3/"Remove the deodorizing clean filter assembly from the blower and cooling unit"---farkit, I'm goling for a drink---. how did you go with yours ?
  14. Did---and unless you can add something usefull--piss off
  15. Thanks guys , I've got the 230 page Nissan service manual that wisearses keep trying to flog as the "workshop manual". The only workshop manual I could find was on a US booksite , it's a Nissan hardcopy product and cost about $320.00 US not including post, ----------ou-farkin-ch . I seriously doubt that outside of that there is a workshop manual download available for an R34GTT specifically. I've spent far to much time chasin my ass all over the internet after this particular holy grail one will pop up sooner or later---maybe when I'm dead at this rate .
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/NISSAN-SKYLINE-R31-...=item35a5963a04 Has anytone tried this one out particularly the R34 bit ? --I'm looking at R34GTT to be specific .
  17. If you're taking out the rear parcel shelf anchor point brackets on an R34GTT for any reason--like changing the rear shockys ah- hem --- just be aware that the centre one is shorter than the two outside ones and has one (about 10mm) spacer and that both the outside ones have TWO frakem (about 10mm) spacers , only one spacer will come out with the bolt on these two clever little farkers the other one will catch on the lip of the parcel shelf and then drop into the speaker cones --or into the recess at the rear of the boot where the Hicas and other electrical mumbo lives. Now you know and with care when you take these out this need not happen to you.
  18. I'm just getting set to get my timing belt and stuff done and first week Jan and have found out that aftermarket waterpumps are available as an option to the Nissan $290.00 real OE deal , as the price differential seems to be about $190.00 and money aint falling of trees round my house I'm tempted , but are they any good and where do you get them from ? As the one I've got in is working fine and the car has only 80000k's on it I'm gonna be silly to replace the thing with something thats going to leak or worse within 6 months of being put in. Any thoughts, experiances or ideas anyone ??
  19. like the title says I'm looking for the ventilation air filter on my R34GTT and just can't find it, could someone please tell me where it is ??
  20. Valiumvolene is superb oil--John Flaws says so !
  21. Try ACA for a Denso sensor (02) 9907 1861 they're in Brooky theres one in Melb to don't know the No though.
  22. R34GTT stocky cept exhaust around 13.5/100 city though last tank with a fair amount of highway 9.6/100 , frikin amazed me , I now have a strong suspicion that the Caltex 98 I've been getting aint 98 all the time, actualy I'll go further and say most of the time , as my K's per hundred have been anything from 12/100 to 16/100 all city not much happy foot. . Could be a sad 02 sensor though I don't think thats likely.
  23. aaaaaaaarrrgh nasty, just watchin.
  24. Nah, thrust bearing according to a couple of workshops I've dropped in to, pull not push clutch or is it push not pull ? whatever, it's the opposite off the earlier models.
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