because the new skylines are powered by the vq series engine. hence v35
rb engines in the previous models made them r3- (asides from r30)
next gtr will be kept r35 to keep the tradition ive been led to believe.
Haha what a story. Makes me happy to see a bit of home grown detective and muscle work going a long way.
once again thanks for a good read
All the way from Perth , Tom
Hmm , sorry for the lateness of this adition to the topic
So can S13 stuff fit in the front of a hr30 ? And how hard is it to do so?
if so would make bolting brakes on so easy.
Without a doubt. Got the power - or you will have and you have the box and the ability.
Hopefully the other players pull their socks up and join the rush - be awesome to have a 10 sec GTR army soon.