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    r33 gtst

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  1. Here is a pic!
  2. no its actually quite an old thread (1yr and 2 1/2 weeks to be exact hehe) 2006.
  3. BUMP $14000 ono has 120,000km and brand new tyres now has damage/scrape to sideskirt and the usual to bottom of front bar easy fix theyre fibreglass!
  4. I would be curious as to how quickly a motor would warm up if it were towed with the ignition off. My guess is a very very long time. youve got him there cubes good point
  5. if you threw the plugs in straight out of the box i can pretty much garentee they will be gapped at 1.1 or atleast thats what ngk or champion or whatever was aiming for. there gaps are probably realisticly all over the place, I always gap my plugs to .8 but if i wanted 1.1 ide still regap/check them myself and not just throw them in straight out of the box.
  6. if you do alot of short drives as opose to afew long drives fuel economy will suffer big time, just recently i moved closer to work so im only a 10min drive away so if all i do is drive to work my car is always running the richer(cold engine) maps as it doesnt get much time to warm up and my fuel economy has dropped from 450 odd km to 350 odd km's
  7. the wastegate is inadiquet (spelling)
  8. just thaught ide add my safc2 shows a knock of 10 at idle and the minute i put my foot down knock goes to zero (this is all on monitor as i ignore the other readings as they are not calibrated).
  9. madd why does your exaust change size 3 times from turbo to tip i would have thaught keeping things the one size all the way through would be best
  10. where are you getting the pressure from at the moment your obviously getting it from somewhere if your car still runs 7psi, wastegate actuators dont operate on there own
  11. maybe the bleeder cant bleed enought and you need a restrictor in front. this would be better anyway cause the bleeder wouldnt have to work as hard to waste enough to get the same results.
  12. KEWL so seeing as power is the rate at which you do work ie torquexrpm(laymans terms i know multiplying rpm by torque wont give you kw) and adding heavyer stuff to the rotating mass gives me more torque(apparently according to you) howmuch extra torque and power do you think i will get from adding an extra 20kgs to my flywheel?? Did you ever consider the losses involved in getting the rotating mass to turn adding weight to the rotating mass does nothing for the engines output torque or power just makes the enging take longer and more force to wind down which i quess can be considered torque but not the torque we are interested in...i think thats enough torque on talk or was it the other was around.
  13. hey does that mean they only used 6 load points??? they did the same thing with my car, i dont think may shops know how to or dont bother to bunch up the load point so you have all 12 where you need them and not where you dont ie, load points sitting ther doing noting where correction is zero
  14. ok so we know not to copy but ide like to know other peoples settings just out of interest well ill start my correction begins at 3500 and is pretty even increase till 5000 which has a correction of 10 then correction is 11 from 6000 onwards this is just from memory cant exactly remember the exact values at each load point mods 11psi, fmic ,3in zorst ,camgear-3, pod+cai. 208.8rwkw
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