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Everything posted by otto

  1. ha ha, good to hear im not the only one you guys have made me feel better thanks.
  2. na its in the boot up on the same shelf as the battery only on the r/h side there will be an access panel
  3. Hi all, Just thaught ide share one of the frustrations with my car and seeing if there is anyone else going through the samething who i can share my pain with. Had my car for ova 4 years now and cant believe ive been silent about this for so long....when i go to put my blinkers on if theres the slightes bend in the road in the opposite direction(and there is on the entry to most corners) my blinker do the auto disengage thing i end up having to turn my indicator on 3 times before i make the turn. ive never had indicators so sensitive on any othere car before.. anyone elses line do this??
  4. Im expecting your gonna find it floating around in your fuel tank instead of sitting mounted on its braket (it just slips on to its mount!) its a long round cylinder just slip it back on where its supposed to be.
  5. its in your fuel tank if your ok with snooping around in your fuel tank you should be fine.
  6. Dont think you can get them pre gapped they will come 1.1 hence the -11 at the end of the pn. you can get a special gapping tool but i usually just tap on the electrode and check it with feeler gauges till i get it right
  7. My car done this for a while found that the sensor in the fuel tank (big tube to the right of the pump)had fallen off its perch.
  8. your not a dope! your right the 6 is the heat range, from memory the higher the number on ngk the colder the plug
  9. Hey, i had a mech once tell me skylines wont run propperly unless you run platnums. what a scammer! He even made me feel like a twit when i told him not to touch the coppers that were in there (they were only 500kms old)
  10. thanks alot guys, i definatly think my afm must have been playing up. and making my car run rich. dont know why it would over read though??
  11. Thanks mate, I probably should have included my idle is around 750. would anyone else like to add??
  12. Hey guys, Just wondering what your safc reads for airflow at idle? Im asking cause i had a problem with my car hunting and idling poorly(intermitent) and also had a hesitation all over the rev range would also puff black smoke occasionall when it done this I noticed when my car had a poor idle af was 2.4% if it started hunting it would be as much as 4.5% never less even when its sitting below 500rpm, when the idle is smooth and running well its at about 1.5% would also like to know what the tps voltage is supposed to be at closed and wot.
  13. Sorry should have mensioned i have cleaned the aac valve swapped afms, cas, replaced plugs. it just got its 100k sevice aswell! i dont think its got anything to do with the aac as the problem is all over the rev range not just at idle. usually when im on the freway accelerating up a hill.
  14. Ive had this prob with my car for a while now that i and the mechanic have tried to fix to no evail and its driving me nuts, so i thaught i might hand it over to the experts (you guys) in hope that one of you might point me in the right direction. Ok every now and then and these days its more often now than then, my idle will hunt IE, drop down to below 500rpm then back up to over 1000 rpm and while its doing this its blowing puffs of black smoke out the exaust sometimes it will sort itself out and other times it will stall. If i then try and drive/acellerate while its playing up power will feel like its surging , i feel the surges more when im on the freeway and accelerating in a higher gear sometimes the surges get so bad the engine will shut down for a split second and when it does it will also puff smoke (it will also ppuff smoke when its surging but not as much. if i throw it into neutral when it surges it will hunt at idle. any ideas? would love to hear them cause its really making me hate my car!
  15. i dont think the ecu would let the car run lean or make enough power for the pump to run out of flow. it will hit fuel cut before that happens. i dont think a safc is the solution if it is running lean either. I recon your car is fine my manifold glows red hot all the time you will notice it more at night
  16. if you want mid 13's your std turb should do that
  17. flow energy?? never heard of it... could you explain how it works! maybe you should concider whats creating the "flow"
  18. Dont know if this is relevant but i got told a turbo turns heat energy into mech energy. i would have thaught a manifold that kept the turbo as close to the action (exaust valves) as possible (without affecting flow to much) would be better/more efficient, the highmounts i have seen seem to keep the turbo alot further away than the lowmount.
  19. i guess anything installed incorrectly isnt gonna last i bet if the pulleys are wearing the tbelt cant be to far from letting go
  20. bump
  21. They could still have hooked it up to the comp if they wanted to regardless but they decided not to. an ebc has a soilinoid does this mean the ebc would be better hooked to the plenum?? is it better to run a bit more hose and have the solinoid in a cooler place or run it short and have it be fried by the turbo. anyhow most of the time its closer to hook it to the plenum when you start to install ebc/ bleeder or whatever.
  22. I thaught the r33 gtst from factory took it from the plenum after the i/c and the r32 gtst from the compressor. now your probably right about which way is better but if the factory is the grounds for your argument tell me why did the factor have it at the comp for r32 then change to the plenum for its next more advanced model the r33!
  23. I would have thaught after the i/c would be better, you want the w/g to see the pressure the engine gets(remembering your boost gauge is also after the i/c so you can see the pressure your engine gets). i think the pressure before the i/c is irrelevant But i could be wrong.
  24. ok, just wanted to know if hooking up you fuel pump around the wrong way (reverse polarity) accidentily! so it ran in reverse. would this damage the pump?? the pump was a bosch 910
  25. I know this sounds dumb, but how does a rubber belt wear out an alloy pulley?
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