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    R32 GTST M-Spec
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  1. I've had this issue also. I ended up replacing the drivers side switch panel to fix mine. If you can, try and borrow another switch panel from someone and test it to see if it works.
  2. My drivers side window decided that it didn't want to work anymore, due to the window relay. After paying for another one my Dad had a go at fixing my original one, with success. It turned out to be a dry solder joint, shown in one of the pics. Hopefully these pics will help anyone else with similar problems. Door card will need to be removed to access the relay and soldiering skills will be needed. Tools required: Soldering iron Solder Solder Wick( removes old solder when heat is applied) Couple of flat screw drivers or butter knifes to open relay casing. This is the relays location behind the door card. This is the relay. With the plug end removed. The offending circuit board from inside top view. The underside of board, and I've high lighted the offending solder. The dry joint can be seen better in this close up. This is what's needed to do the repair. First use the solder wick to remove the old solder from the join. This will allow the new solder to fuse better. Once done, you can then re-solder the join. Once cooled, slip the board back into the cover. The board locates in the grooves in the cover. Once re-assembled return to the car and plug it in and test to see if problem solved. I hope this has been helpful.
  3. Hi People, As stated above, I'm selling my spare set of brand new 17x9 +25 x4 Rota Grid R's I was going to use for motorsport on my skyline. Apart from either customs or Cartoys inspecting the wheels, 3 have never been out of their boxes since I've had them. One has been out of the box only 3 times. Will also come with metal valve stems. Price $1000 Location: Murray Bridge, South Australia. I can bring them closer to Adelaide if needed. Contact: 0427 794 899. Please message me, as my phone is off while I'm at work. I will return any messages as soon as I turn my phone on at end of shift.
  4. Hi All, Only part sold is the 240K GT Manifold. Everything else still for sale. Finally got some pics of parts that are remaining. Need this stuff gone people. Cheers Adam
  5. Sorry for not adding this, I'm in SA with the parts stored in a shed with a friend at Lobathal. I also forgot to add that there is a front and rear bumper for a 240k aswell.
  6. Hi All, Been cleaning out the Old Man's sheds and found some stuff for a good home. The parts we found are: 5 manual gearboxes. 2x 4-speeds and 3x 5-speeds, (This is as far as we know, may be 3x 4's and 2x 5's). 4 diffs, think they are R180's. 1 has no rear cover though. 2 rear 240K light panels with lights. 1 also has wiring. 3 manifolds. 240k GT Carby, 240Z Twin Carby with the Carbys and an injected manifold, its either a 260Z or 280Z. Open to any offers as just need it gone. If it doesn't sell it'll just go for scrap. I'll try and get some other pics that can be uploaded soon, but have some large pics that I can email if interested. Can either contact me via email ([email protected]) or text me on 0427 794 899 and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Adam.
  7. That is one of the shafts from site Sidd. Its also one of the ways underground via a cage that can hold 20 people. If you google maps Olympic Dam and look at the mine site, its the shaft on the far right of site.
  8. Nice pics of the dust storm Sidd. It was like that for 2 days straight up here in the middle of nowhere. This is what my car looks like now, and some pics from yesterday and my bros pics from work from monday. It was blowing hard enough to blow down a neighbours fence, mind you its only fibre sheet.
  9. I thought only the first models released had it, and that it was removed for the S2 and Aus models cause of the load on 1st gear causing breakages. I remember reading in either Motor or Wheels mags a while ago about it.
  10. I like custom plates, they give the vehicle an identity. I'd go with either FORCED or NOXCUSE, as both are cool. Just remember that custom plates do attrack some attention depending on what they say. I get a few looks with having DRFT-32 on my car.
  11. I had my GT repaired at Pope Crash, Beverley, and they did an orsm job. It was done under insurance and they painted everythin except the roof boot and spoiler. I asked to get my R32 GTST done and they said between $5000 and $10,000. They said that anyone else wouldn't be able to tell the difference in the final job, but he could explain what would cause the price difference. My bro has asked about getting his Subaru B4 resprayed and that was goin to be $5000. They do a really good job, and the owner is very fussy with quality. Hes had jobs redone cause he wasnt satisfied with the quality. I highly recomend them.
  12. Looks nice and welcome Should be a good base for you, enjoy
  13. When I took a few cars for a test drive a few years ago I didn't have to pay anything. A salesman came with me on every test drive and I asked how hard I could drive the vehicle. I took an RX8 but couldn't rev it past 6000rpm as the engine wasnt run in yet. It was the same with a VY SS, but that only had 20km on it. The other 2 vehicles were a 350Z that was already run in and a BA XR8 that was also run in. Got to test the TC in the XR8 on the Sailsbury Highway just before the bridge to sth road. The old man actually turned off the TC and the salesman didn't know much bout it either. So I did a U-turn and gave it some juice, and quite promptly got it to do a 270 degree spin in front of traffic but cought it and took off. But also remember that the car your testing, if you arn't going to buy it will be probably sold to someone else. I wouldn't want someone to thrash my car before I bought it if it was a new car. Also be very thorough going over a new car, as I got screwed with the GT I bought. Other than that enjoy you lucky bugger.
  14. Bought her from Sydney last Sat and drove back that day. Needs a fair bit of work to get it to my standards, but ain't toooo bad for a Silo. The 1st pics were after I took it to get inspected for rego with the NSW plates on. Had to raise it and replace a tail light to get it through. In the last pic there are some seals just chillin in the water at about tail light height to the right of the car. They are a bit hard to see, but was cool to see they close up. I've added some pics I took of them while taking pics of car.
  15. I'll definately be up for one. I've sent some pics I've got to you just now Flick.
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