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  1. l've put it up on ebay, to save me writting all the details here again here is the link. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...s=tab%3DSelling.
  2. UPDATE - Got letter in the mail, got 189$ for driving on a suspeneded licence and got antoher 1 saying my licence is cancelled, did not get a fine or anything about going over the speed limit which is good cause l didnt feel like paying a $2000+ fine. So does that mean it is over now l willl not have to go to court, just pay the $189 fine ? And when they cancel your licence what does that mena, how long can you not drive for?
  3. nope, lm 100% confident that l was not speeding, if i was, it maybe of been bout 5km's from rolling down the hill, but thats about it. Think it was a mistake somewhere of reading the wrong cars speed or pulling the wrong car over
  4. wat a bastard, good for you that you got away with it... all comes down to how you talk back.
  5. yeah exactly, better off trying and losing then not trying at all, if i was speeding l'll be ok with it and jsut take it, but l am soo sure that l wasn't speeding that the whole situtation just pisses me off
  6. This is true, and it will also depends on the steepness of the hill and how long the actual hill goes for, where l was caught the hill isn't steep enough for "my" car to get to 80 - 105 "without" touching the accelerator for the amount of time l am rolling down this hill , l know for a fact l was not goign anywhere near 105 km/hs lf i was speeding l wouldnt complain and take the charge
  7. Good, l hope they have the camera on the car whilst they were parked on the side of the road because they will see the car behind me "hauling arse" , the officer did say the exact words u were doing 105.5 kmh's an hour and he did show me the number on the gun, maybe he was the 1 reading and shwoing me the wrong number, who knows, but i have the number for highway patrol now so i will give them a call and ask if i can watch the video and see what it has on it
  8. l didnt say they had the camrra while driving behind me you dumbass they were parked on the side of the road with their camera and as for the speed i seen it with my own eyes on his gun and i didnt say the f*kin cruise corntol slows u down the hill read properly idiot, l said when on cruise control it will go about 5km/hs over the speed l set it on when going down a hill and my car isnt goign to go from 80 - 105 rolling down a hill with my foot off the acelerator
  9. Well lm tellin you i seen it with my own eyes the speed on his gun said 105.5 to be exact l think it said 105.4 Cool, l'm going to go to the cop station on the weekend then and see if i can view my tape
  10. yeahh l'll like to see the video before court, l went to the station and asked if i could get a copy of the audio and video but they said no u need to plead not guilty in court then u can get a copy, but i didnt ask if i could "view" the video so they might let me. And l didnt tell them i could, l said l might b able to, but they didnt wait around for jsut 2min to see if it worked thye left my there, bastards. And for the speed 105.5, he showed me his little gun with the speed on it :S
  11. yeah l'll keep u updated, pray that the police video shoes me not speeding
  12. thanks for the detailed reply, l have an appointment in about 2 weeks to go get legal advice, l'll see what happens there, but yeah he said to me when he got to the car that this is video and audio recorded etc and l pointed out that the cruise control light was on and he said yes that he can see the light is on, l'll see what happens
  13. well to answer to all your questions - l'm having to have to go to court anyways l think the police man said that i will get a letter in 6-7 weeks to tell me my court date and he took my licence. l'm guessing the car behind was doing 105 or very close to it cause l was doing 80 - 85 and he was catching me extrmely quickly. The officer said he is recording the convo and video so does the video and auido record 24/7??? if so if their car was facing the street they might have a good view of me driving with the car speeding behind me ? Someone said if i have cruise control on it goes over its limit - yes it does if i set it at 80 and im goign down hill it will go to 85 it is impossible for it to reach 105.5 km/hs the car is stock as can be its a 1993 ford telstar tx-5, it is registered under my dads name so they could not of done a rego check on the car and see the driver is unlicenced. A question for everyone, the speed guns they hold to take your speed, how far of a distance are you or can you be when they read ur speed? l ask this because at the time they were taking my speed l dont even know if my car is fast enough to get to 105.5 km/h from around the bend l was turning from at 80 km/h which was a 1 lane road which u obviously cant drive fast around in my sort of car as the handling is a piece of shit at higher speeds
  14. who would i write the letter to???, l was told l will get a letter to go to court in 6-7 weeks ?
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