D Stirls, as a civil engineer as you have stated, have you assessed the proposed land site for this Port Adelaide complex? Is it suitable?
Although this is a step on the road to a motorsport complex, isn't this one of the issues we are fighting at the same time..the distance from the CBD?
Sure, Tailem Bend sounds awesome and hey, if it got developed, heck i'd be out there, but still..its the distance from Adelaide. Yeah, its on a freeway and you are doing 110 (100 on your p-plates) but the fact remains, its a solid hour from Adelaide.
Maybe a silly idea, but in Poland, on Friday nights, they block off a section of public roads (used by people 24/7) have Police securing the site, 500 metres in length, with safety precautions, and hold drag races. The police happily have reported that there are less deaths on the road, speeding from the 17-25 year old category has decreased.
We need something closer. 30 minutes or less.