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Everything posted by g33k

  1. Can you show me on friday too, i'd wanna see how you've fitted the antenna, and where etc. Thanks,
  2. Some photos will help you a lot dude!
  3. That last one on the road is GAME OVER!!! i think ill make that my CarPC wallpaper? Hi-Res copy please =)
  4. Good work dude, looks nice! Could you post some pics of the screen in use, playing DVD/nav/TV - im always curious to see others.... oh, and dont worry about the DVD part, i watch a movie on the way to work and home almost every day. EDIT: Oh, and you should bring it to the V35 meet next week - it would be good to show it off!!
  5. Indeed i did, lmao, that was my time killer for a few months - paid off now though!
  6. What a shame... how anyone could demote themselves from a Manual to an Auto is beyond me............. Good Luck though =)
  7. Ahhhh Perth people, i remember you, the OTHER side of Australia.... right? =P Yeah, it does look quite cool!! *thumbs up*
  8. *confused* Why is this new to you? (not trying to sound rude btw =) ) I've had this in my V35 for over a year - if you're at the V35 meet next week, im happy to show you... Not that one though, i built it myself. How much was he charging?
  9. How much? What model have you got on yours? Does it just piggyback the ECU? Plug and Play?
  10. Has anyone actually checked the parking lot/homebush area to make sure that there isn't some MASSIVE concert on that night? Not sure how i feel about crawling through traffic because 20,000 people are rocking up to watch Celine Dion in concert??
  11. I have his number from the last meet - so i can text him if we need...
  12. That sounds cool, whats that?
  13. Can someone do a re-count of where we're up to with attendees's? Last i read was 15 + me = 16 all up?
  14. Is it too late to join in? +1, Hurstville.
  15. Hey OGZ - My driver side actually died last monday, i've just ordered a replacement from Riverside - it cleared customs Friday night. I've already taken the door panel apart and figure out what needs to go where. Assuming all goes well, im happy to lend you a hand in Sydney doing urs. Mine lasted a good - 3-4 months from when i started seeing the problems. Lots of slamming.... but it worked. I've actually ordered both sides as it looks like my passenger is dying as well. PM if you like, i plan to replace monday night after work - assuming Australia Post deliver on Monday.
  16. Every 5,000km's @ IS Motor Sports, rockdale. I also top up with Purple Oil from time to time as it loves to guzzle oil the V35. Hope that helps!
  17. Damn Americans sound like idiots...
  18. OK, but just for the record, i had mine serviced, with full Purple Oil @ 40,000km not long back, its now hit 45K and i noticed a random smoke.... checked my engine oil and i had about 1L......... In saying that i don't have oil leaks..... (manual) But, if you've checked, you've checked! Good luck bruv! =)
  19. I know you said not oil, did you check HOW MUCH oil you have? is it low by chance? Get that dipstick out baby! +1 for water vapour, that passes.
  20. I got a mate in Cronulla, im often down there with my V35 - we can grab a feed if you like - assuming im free wed-night????? Tuesday im out im afraid
  21. Missed it =) We went tonight!
  22. I dont have a camera................... but ill be twittering it all if that helps lmao
  23. So is this def on? 21st 8pm Sylvania Maccas? How many numbers we got?
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