I take it no one here has imported one themselves who could tell us about the process?
Several years ago when I was really keen on a FC RX7 I researched the import process like a Phd Thesis, pretty much got all the dots lined up. The place you buy it from in Japan normally have their own or recommended transport and so landing in at an Australian dock is no big deal. Even the paperwork to get it cleared from the docks is very doable if you plan it in advance. What I mean to say is, the process is pretty straight forward if you sit down and do the homework.
That's true actually, normally I just double the price in Japan to get an estimate when comparing to local cars.
Yeah I haven't heard of him before. If I were to buy I'd buy directly from the seller in Japan, no middle man.
That's what I mean, if you don't sit down and do the homework then you're bound for headaches, if you research the process and plan out the process, it'll be a cakewalk.