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  1. i do not belive that the 26 pistons will work either
  2. cheers will have a look for one. I have another bracket which is off an r32 and looks like it lines up mint. But using this bracket creates another problem. The new problem is that my r32 HICAS powersteering pump does not fit into the bracket???
  3. Yeah i have both pulleys, r32 and rb30 look almost identicle. My problem is the power steering pump sits to far forwards so does not line up with either of the 4 notch belt slots on the crank?
  4. am putting together my rb30 using r32 skyline parts. From the manual i see you have to grind the lug down on the powersteering pump bracket so that it sits flush on the block have done this and bolted it all up. But when i had a test fit with the pully off the crank the pully on the crank does not line up with the powersttering pump pully? Anyone got any ideas or pctures?
  5. ok so the feed, is this located in about the middle of the block pretty much right behind the engine mount? and the return line is pretty much straight vertically below it (large bung with a hex or square to undo it)? Cheers again
  6. Hey ppl I have picked up an rb30e block and am putting a r32 rb25de head onto as it is going into an r32 skyline. What i basically want to know is if anyone has a side on shot of the block where the feed and return lines go into. So i can set the lines up before i drop the engine into the car. Cheers for the help
  7. hey hope you guys can help a gimp out I a building an rb30det for street use and have a few questions. I am running the rb25de head (non vvt) and am wondering which feed i restrict and which i block off, i understand there are only 2? do i block off the one closest to flywheel or closest to cam gears? Does any one have a photo or drawing of the job (birds eye view or something)? Hope you can help a nub out Cheers
  8. how do i find if it has VCT? is there some that i can identify it by? exactly where would i be loking for it?
  9. Hey guys I am after an r32 rb25de head. I have been offered a complete rb25 engine but am unsure if it is from an r32 or an r33 and whether it is turbo or non turbo. Seeing the engine is complete (minus manifolds) how can i determine what the head is without pulling the engine apart? Cheers
  10. Hey I have an r32 coupe that i am currently in the process of putting an rb30det in. I am going to be using an r33 rb25det gearbox. Now a few short questions.... 1. What fly wheel should i use (did not get one with the block)? 2. What clutch/pressure plate should i use? 3. The car was auto that is now going to be manual, what drive shaft should i be using? Cheers for all the help guys!
  11. i have removed the hicas out of my car but am wondering if i need the cooling part of the system (small loop of ali). The car is only used for road use. what your guys opinions?
  12. Hey guys, i have been doing some research on the forums and instead of going through 345 pages though i could just ask and hope you could answer my simple questions. This is going into an r32 coupe 1. Can i use standard rb20de engine mounts? 2. Using the rb25det gearbox what driveshaft will fit straight in? 3. Does anyone have a diagram showing what oil galleries to block of/restrict? Cheers for your help in advance
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