I Believe that Martin is spot on in what he says. The Porsche, Ferrari and other supercar buyers get treated the same way and are happy to pay the big bucks for the privelege or status when they get shafted by their respective dealerships. Why? because they got the bucks and treat their cars as an expensive hobby whilst on the other hand Nissan is attracting bargain basement supercar buyers that have swallowed all the stories they spun in order to take your bookings and your money and then fill in the details at a later date. Nissan , through their dealerships (who have spent a lot of money to gain the accreditation to sell these vehicles) have made a lot of ad hoc promisses that they will never be able to honour.
If anyone that has pre ordered these cars believes the warm and fuzzy stories that Nissan have spun just go and visit the UK forums and talk to the guys that have paid substantial deposits in March 2008 and are now getting their deliviries deferred to OCT 2009. These guys have been in well before the Australian buyers and have had much more information than the guys over here and are still
getting rooted around.
So just remember if you need to ask how much and what for, then you propably can't afford it anyway. Nissan are here to make money and not to do any favours. They have spent a lot of effort to get this car into the country and so far with the dollar in free fall they will do their arse in, so they will be going hard any way they can to recoup the money. This will NOT be an "affordable supercar."