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Everything posted by 910trx

  1. fitted the thule racks b4 going to phillip island gives it that grandpa look... but lockable and ealily removed
  2. also keen on just the g25 for the right price if once again... willing to separate...
  3. i have aftermarket cruise on my s2 stag and its awesome i looked into the magnet ones and the big problem is when the magnets come off and finding replacements, the awful panel, and getting a good spot to attach the kit. Plus i found that after so many revolutions the cruise will not opperate so it has in effect a speed limitation. highly recommend getting one with a stepper motor instead of an extended reservoir vac tank also. mine is a little slow to rect on hills etc although turning up the gain will help but CBF covered 3000kms towing in 2.5 days and the cruise was awesome when installing it i went for a stalk in the end although i already had a cm21 (for ap models) steering wheel remote CBF attaching it and went lazy stalk why go magnet when the stock ecu has a speed wire to tap into?- this way it never runs out of scope likethe magnetic ones do. if you are looking for a cheap option i will off load the cm21 for $50 (cost $140) as its useless to me and it has never been used! (a little sly selling stuff here...) - just need to buy the stepper motor then and tap into the loom.
  4. the sneaky pricks!
  5. ive hoohed the black with yellow up to 12v acc but i have shite reception i cant figure it out!
  6. ive hoohed the black with yellow up to 12v acc but i have shite reception i cant figure it out!
  7. i'm in the midst of installing my dvd/tv double din stereo reception is rather poor although i hooked up the amp wire to the black with yellow well actually i spliced it into the loom and left the plug connected. the old FM converter was spliced into the nearby constant acc power for the ciggy lighter, so after reading THE WHOLE THEAD and not just the first 4 pages i'm going to separate the loom and try running 12v acc to the black with yellow. the unit i have has digital tv and i have put the arial into the roof above the hoodlining - but i can only get abc 1 2 3 and 24 and with a rather weak signal. i'm a little reluctant to mount it on the outside of the car as the cable is not very long and therefore i cant put it near the back wing like i had hoped. where has everyone else hooked their arials for DVB??? i'll post an image if the unit in the day light tomorrow - but while i have it out i'll finally wire the boost guage i have up to power as its been 3 months with no guage at night lol! wires as stated in first post were same for series 2 and never double checked them, just spliced them into a new loon and plugged it in (put the old one in later if i wish) thanks heaps for this DIY!
  8. can the car still be driven in a dosile manner? ie if my mrs drove it as the daily it has become it wont be harmed through urgent shifts or create a rough ride? i really like this idea to try and take some slack out of the trans, but it must also leave some comfort and be nice to drive in peakhour etc. is this the mod for me?
  9. thanx guys
  10. ok on the bottom of my headlights on the s2 rs4 it has "XENON" on the fuse cover under the bonnet (with messed up compliance wiring) it states H.I.D. my mates dad can get me HID globes and ballasts for ultra cheap so i would like to restore the stag to the way it should be instead of scattering a halogen beam all over the place. are hid's xenons? i know - its very noob - and i'm leaving work for the day i could search this in google but i'm hoping by the time i come back to work in the morning the answer will be there in front of me. and with maybe a bit of discussion to how good it is to go back etc etc
  11. well i'm fairly boring compared to the rest of you did an oil drop and filter change bought a tv/gps/dvd etc headunit to finaly replace the jap item which has ceased to function. gearing up to take it for an adelaide to phillip island road trip mid october. thinking of doing the 100 000 km service prior the trip but not enough time, rather do it later and not rushed. the old girl loves chasing white lines
  12. ^^^ as above i got the racy ones (f) and the more mild street ones ® pads fitted no problem posted same day cheap mild dusting on the fronts but fantastic with everything i have thrown at em - towing, heavy use, daily Infact i never got to thank you... ...Thanks man - you looked after me! / off topic
  13. if you do this, you will have to prove that the alternate address is infact your place of residence otherwise you are to transfer your details to the place of residence in (i think) 3 months. if shit does hit the fan you can be put through the ringer as you failed to update your rego details and failed to transfer your license details, your records like electricity bills, rates, expiation notices, and voting details can be used against you. or if you have a prang and the resident at that address claims it is their car, then you must be on the insurance details as a nominated driver or your insurance company might not cover you why? just so you can have a bov... its a big house of cards you are building to avoid defect, it only takes one card to see it all collapse. better to avoid reasons for defect in the first place which i am sure you understand already. i never transferred my license or rego details for 2 years in qld on an sa license ^^^ hence why i know about the above - i used the excuse that "i have only just moved here" but i'm lucky i was only pulled over twice by different cops b4 moving back.
  14. actually even if your car is off the road w/o and engine you can still get it insured through shannons for somethign like $40 a month. i did this with the bluey when i was living in qld for 2 years - just in case the house burnt down or the garage exploded etc etc and yeah i had insurance before i bought the stag!
  15. shannons are not bad i am with just cars for the stagea but have my bluebird through them although even with the multiple policies just car still wins by $200 per year. i have an imobiliser fitted by a certified installer - garaged - but i dont care for the stag that much, its just a nice car that does what i want when i want it to - if it goes bye bye - i just want to recover my costs (or 90% of) - about $900 p/y with the 23y/o mrs as a nominated driver. the blue has agreed value, full comp, full list of ALL of my mods and it was cheaper than 3 party with fire and theft. i struggled to find anyone who would touch it or if they did give me anything above redbook value which is 5/8 of F*** all! mind you if something happened to this car i would cry for days in the shower slowly rocking back and forth. Shannons are not bad at all, infact i am quite happy with their service - just like to have the stag with them but that $200 i can spend on rego or something. Try if you have home insurance, to see if your company will take on the import - some do.
  16. cool i'll try that over a few drinks on the weekend
  17. i finally had the time to do an economy run in the stag the other night picking the mrs up from the airport. little bit of wind, 10`C, no rain, hardly any traffic - perfect! averaged about 11L per 100kms i used the logger with the the ECU talk software and it spits it out as a notepad file, it writes it in a XXXXX, XXXXXX, XXXXX format as opposed to a cell format Therefore when you paste it into excel each part of data is within one cell only is there an easy way to transfer this data into excel format without individually filling in the data one cell at a time with 1 sec intervalls for 6 sources of data over 60 mins? i'd like to graph the findings to see if over time the fuel economy got better due to o2 sensor trim, use of cruise control and holding the trans in gears for longer. not a mad excel freak so i am a bit unsure if there is an easy way. Help is appreciated Thanks
  18. i use the screwdriver technique as i have no spanners does the job but takes 5 mins to raise an inch
  19. well the mrs drives it all the time so there is no regard to parking it where its safest, just wherever it stops it becomes locked... also everyday i see a new post on the site Car stolen - heaps of things on it insurance? no alarm? no $10000 car and its a $400 bit of kit that will in most cases save it ps: the auto locking thing takes a bit to get used too as well...
  20. 1st - check with your insurance company to see if any of the items you can get a hold of meet their standards. i got a cyclops thingo - met Justcar's requirements can upgrade later and put on glass bake sensors also has a std doovie that if the bonnet is lifted whilst activated the alarm will sound cut 2 keys off your stag key and put in the cupboard at home, use the new ones as entry so you can give the key to the other half if there is one. no actuators (stags have central locking already) nothing fancy, just plug and play beware that it is only a deterrant and if someone really wanted your car they will take it. but you are then covered with your insurance and it may avoid 9/10 opportunistic thieves from braking into it. the led i have fitted is a bright blue one so it lights up the whole car, verty visible from outside so it instantly demonstrates that ther is something going on and back off. Yes i did go through autobahn as well, average service - great install but i only refer to the store i went to. some better and some worse.
  21. s2 name is >>> Name not found its funny because whenever its my name it says this... Lame i know...
  22. should also have added >>> in rain so additional resistance - recently changed o2 sensor (EL Foulcoon)
  23. srsly EL ftw!
  24. saw 300 for 1/2 tank (disregarding above posts) for hwy @ 110 on cruise control 3 inch auto s2 usually its 150 for the same spot on the guage
  25. lol wrong thread never mind
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