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Everything posted by 910trx

  1. i'm on there a bit the [LTC] Live to Cruise server is where i spend most my time it has been modded so you do laps get cash and licenses and unlock cars to drive. the track is split into two lanes and its one way, there is also a speed limit ^^^ you can ignore the above and if there is a player acting as a cop they chase you down. you also have top lap records for each car.. have happy hour when you can drive any car on any license for one hour... thought it was gay at first but now i'm addicted - very good ppl on there too and it you stack it bad and dont want to spend your cash having a respawn, someone will come along and help tip you on your wheels again. log in name>>> Name not found callsign>>> (Lag) - well untill i got kicked by a mod as it was too confusing and caused crashes - dunno what to change it to now LOL only have a formula pro logitech wheel so its a bit old school - bit also have naturalpoint track IR 5 which is pretty mad, especially for drift servers (try liveforspeed.de drift server, great track and i spend a bit of time on there too)
  2. i went to autobahn.. here comes the flames the sales person (i think could have been manager) was awesome so i booked it in on the next sat was something like $380 for a Cyclops with superbright led and two remotes (handy now as we got 2 keys cut so the mrs and i each have a key with the alarm acting as a central locking module aswell) Just cars were over the moon that i was fitting an imobiliser to australian standards. the fitter was a champ and did a great job - very good. the sales assistant filling in my waranty card couldn't even spell the name of the suburb the installation happened and wrote with an upside down hand - i cant explain but it was wierd. the other sales assistant was a <20y/o chick with the dirtiest mouth i had ever heard - i mean i just wanted to slap her - pure filth - she called a customer a C... and i'm sorry but even for autobahn it is not cool. thank god the manager and installer had a brain so i am confident in the product and fitment.
  3. 0-----0 ....I.... ....S... ....I.... 0-----0 fail?
  4. boost leak or wastegate stuck open? get your head under the bonnet and check all inlet hoses for splits in hoses etc have you done any thing to it lately, happened suddenly, getting worse?
  5. without tune its costs massive on fuel the way to describe the turbo whine is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! i have a tiptrinic and i find it likes to shift to 4th and just slip winding boost to 5psi under slow or slight uphill applications, hoding gear in 2nd or 3rd sees at the same revs a locked trans and 10 - 20 inches of Hg - no boost invest in an exhaust to hear your motor (not rediculously loud) and a boost guage because boost = cash still tiptronic is fairly quick and easy to use, normally although sluggish responds quickly and shifts without jolts etc. i'm looking to get a nistune but i see no point w/o electronic boost, dump, front mount, cold air, fuel pump until then its rather pointless as you cant milk the gains as much but the stagea does not have a fuel economy figure - it has a fuel CONSUMPTION! still a great car and one of the nicest things to drive, tows brilliantly, safe as, sounds fansastic with exhaust, heaps of room even in stock trim its brilliant
  6. maybe the increased pressure from the op was to increase rolling diameter by a poofteenth through slightly balooning the tyre. be uncomfortable as hell though. i never get too fussed about tyre pressures if i ever get to the stage where i require that extra bit of feedback through the wheel, or additional grip then i'm drivig way too fast for the streets. everytime i put new brand tyres on a car that i have not had before i rule a line across the tyre in liquid paper and drive it for a week, if the outer edges rub off first, increase pressure, middle, decrease pressure. 37 is my magic mark in the stagea under standard commuting situations increased pressures are also better for towing as it stops wall flex, but too much and the pressures will get too high rule of thumb here is set your tyres b4 you leave, if your tyres rise 4 psi after about 1 hour of driving they are perfect, not 4psi, then put in more air, let air out iff 5 etc. the greater the load on the tyre the more crucial the 4psi rise is as a squatting wheel will generate more heat did this on the epic journey in the stag towing the 2 ton trailer (green garden shed with wheels) 3000kms across AUS not one blow out despite the fact we drove in the middle of summer on b grade roads. blow outs are not caused by over inflation of the tyre but exessive heat in the wall - according to caravanists and truckies
  7. update: just installed two 5870 radeon cards and new certified 650w psu. also over time have added a total of 8gb kvm ram and win 7 64bit. i can now run ms flight sim x on full graphics @ 1600 x 1050 full screen mode. be putting the old ram (4 gb) and twin radeon hd 2600 xt cards into the old mans pc to spice it up a bit.
  8. you are probably over the replies by now but i have recently looked at downgrading from the stagea (s2) to a liberty wagon haven't yet because i can not justify the additional cost for a slower car when the one i have is just fine. all i have done is fitted 17 inch mags, exhaust (not dump) and a good service my other half drives it all day and everyday and loves it. insurance is not too bad depending on history, age and location fuel is not great but a nistune chip could resolve that and something i am looking into wagon is handy as to have on the family as everyone wants to borrow t to move furniture etc - especially in rainy winter i've towed over 2 tonne 2900kms in it and towed like there was nothing behind - fuel consumption was horrid visibility from the drivers seat is exceptional manual is preferred but auto tiptronic is somewhat satisfying considereing the MRS needs an auto. quiet, comfortable, and user friendly fuel consimption is an issue and can get very annoying but then again its a 2.5ltr auto turbo 4wd behind a 1.6 tonne car - it is to be expected. had the car for 2 years and it is just lovely, just watch for rust behind the mirrors and get one with twin sunroofs - my biggest regret.
  9. i'm so amazingly annoyed i have been researching this all night to try and understand what the hell is going on here correct me if i'm wrong... but the installation process for a sata hdd as slave is to connect it up turn on go into bios and see if connected ok start windows format it etc use i decided to give it a go anyway and the process went like this connect it up turn it on immediately smoke bellows out of the hdd hdd is fried wtf! i'll return it to the place of purchase because unless i have done something wrong - made sure it was secured b4 starting it in the chassis double checked all connections didnt submerge it in water prior installation and it STILL fries. OMFG!
  10. ultimate thread revival got 7 all working n stuff and been using the 160g hdd i bought as a replacement now its almost full and i need to add a 2nd drive to the mix b4 i go blowing up the hdd again and hav to start from scratch wtf do i do? i dont have any "jumpers" or anything - is this necessary? all the you tube stuff is for replacing ide drives or is some tool in a basement in the US in the dark replacing his. everything i read talked about these "jumpers" what i intend on doing is just adding a 2nd drive got it all ready to go but reluctant to fire it up incase i blow the arse end out of it once again. please please i need some very precise step by step instructions as (and always) myself and electronics dont mix must be my electrifying personality or something, but electrics and me are not compatible. no matter how dumb the explination may seem i am the noobest of nubs. and SAU often has a few peeps on here to help thanks for all the info before guys
  11. been to regency heaps (through work) and they are cool as - just normal people act like a know it all tosser and they treat you like one. i remember while getting an inspection a lad with a 180 which had a fiberglass bumper all cracked and munched up came rolling in, ignored the inspector and tried to get it up on the ramps. the inspector gave him a stern "hey did i tell you to do that? No!" all that was required was a "sorry" (as yes i have done it once too) and they are cool about it. this young shinny jean, white jumper, sideways cap, teen bum fluff moustache wearing schoolie gave a narky reply in a more aggressive tone than what he was given with a few additional curse words. when the car was up on the hoist, every small defect was picked up by the various other inspectors who gave the original inspector advice on what may be deemed roadworthy. i suspect years later this lad is still trying to get his defects off.
  12. bought my latest car unseen and in a town 8 hours away - its a pearler! sold my boonga and i sat in the back while they test drove it - little did i know but my mrs was handeling a case where they were in deep shizzim (crazies) - they were ok to me though got $500 off them in the end so all not lost (spent the whole time in the back thinking "dont blow up now, dont blow up now") and i couldn't take licenses because HE HAD NONE lol was going to be a spin around the block but i did get worried after 10 MINS!
  13. you gotta watch out these days - everyone has a camera on their phone years ago this would be a story you told your mates and they would be all "na ah - no way" and you would be like "a ya huh - did so" now someone films it, sticks it on the interwebz and you end up hiding in the corner of your gaol cell from Louis the big Fijian... good burnout - not the wisest place to do it though...
  14. s13 front coilovers please shoot me for a pm have tein hr rears already so really just need the front ones. Dan
  15. might take it to the geeks at the local pc store this w/e if i got time they would probably laugh at me behind my back when i leave because its so simple but who cares its fixed...
  16. i put it into another system with the same operating software and none work even in that system either of the two suspect ones are not recognised as a slave to the other pc completely undetectable that and the fact there is not tell tale signs (sound, vibration, the gyroscope effect of the spinning hdd when you twist it) to indicate that the drive is even spinning. i think they are shagged - which sucks because the whole intent was to preserve my data in the first place Mega facepalm is it worth pulling apart to see if a connection somewhere has fried? or not that simple...
  17. ok - epic story because i was having issues with Win 7 installation, i had reverted back to xp as the operating system. as i have been using my pc for a while i have gathered a lot of random data to which i wanted to keep. i had the scheme to then set up another small hdd and use that to install win 7 (64 bit) and use it as a master, then use my existing as a slave - this way i can keep my data and try to get around the installation problems i'm having - i mean never have too many hdds so i plugged in a new hdd drive and started the pc and put in the 7 disc the pc randomly restarted and i repeated the process (like wtf?) windows asked me to choose a hdd for installation but no drives were shown and kept asking for drivers (another wtf) i tried the xp disk and recieved a message statign the drive has failed/corrupted or there are no drivers. i threw in my mother board disk and did an xpress recovery - but states no ide drivers or drives connected. now both the drives do not appear to start up, humm or anything - not even in another pc... i have checked the power source and it powers my dvd so that is not the problem. i think the "restart" was due to a short from the power source which was powering both my hdds. ive tried ALL bios settings reloading drivers (wont work because it wont detect a hdd) so i'm thinking i have buggered it up big time and now lost all my data i will return the hdd to the shop i got it from because clearly there is an issue and i'm considering trying to buy another hdd in the mean time to see if that one works (could always off load it to a mate or Dad) is there something very basic i have missed to make them work? so recap hdd(s) now do not work in another pc, dont spin up, bios does not recognise them power is ok, sata cable(s) is ok problem started a random restart of the pc which was unprovoked. Ideas?
  18. flat(er) tyres also cause the jerkyness and even bald vs new tyres see if you can throw on some rims from a different car which are all identical
  19. i find the stag has the best economy at around 130 - unfortunately the speeding fines cancel out the savings you made. notice when you drive your stag that driving at 100 is nearly impossible? b4 i got cruise control i found myself constantly speeding at it has a sweet spot at around 130 been a while since i used it but does ecu talk software display economy w/o the display? got a road trip coming up and might be worth setting up the laptop on the back seat
  20. I'm in need of a touch up guy as the rear corner of my metalic silver stagea had some loving by an inconsiderate bastard in a carpark just the rear corner of the bumper - no other panel damage i might if he/she/they have a bit of extra paint made up i might request a fix to the small scuff on the front bar where the previous owner said hello to a kerb in another parking lot, nice to neaten it up. if you are a touch up bloke (not a bloke touching up) or know of a good guy who can fix it and not make it stand out like dogs balls on a hot day shoot me a pm or feel free to recommend places to call. car is in the Nth suburbs but i can take it to work (mitcham area) if need be during the day. I'd like to get it fixed soon as my fiancee feels responsible because it was under her care at the time. she cries when she sees it and then it becomes annoying... Thanks Dan
  21. they make a clubman, lotus 7, prb thingo called the wasp which runs an sr20det in them they are one of the quickest things around because they weigh nothing but as the sr is too tall they have to be dry sumped. my mate had a variant with a rolla 20v and just low enough. we queried going 13b but its too hard to make them fit the emmission specs for what is essentially a 'new' car. his prb with the race spec 20v was bored and stroked to 2.2L with ITBs and race fixed cams, made about 240hp at the fly throw it in a 400kg car w/o driver and you end up with a sub 1.16.xx mallala laptime he has since built another with the 16v as his weekend car - more than enough balls to drag off a 911 and still handles better than a lotus
  22. do you really think a cop would defect him if he lifted the bonnet and saw that? i think he would just close the bonnet, get back in his car and drive off without saying a word - maybe a few pics on his mobile first. its really thinking outside the square though. but back in the day of p plates i did things like this. stupid shit like pcv piping induction kits to a carby car with a massive funnel on the front - the theory was so when the airpressure builds up in the pipe due to air at the front it creates a boost-like situation - however at speed the car stopped running because the pressure forced air back through the jets... it happens - at the time it was the best idea - now i facepalm at myself beiig at the receiving end of the responses and critisism is just character building great pic btw its now my background
  23. ^^ my rs4 S2 was $10,500 with 75000kms - but in QLD the P plater laws have caused the prices to fall out the bottom anyway a set of mags in 17inch have been found and purchased thanks to all those who helped/offered Dan
  24. personally i'd be going to 2nd, then slowing down again rather than holding 1st or dumping neutral and freewheeling it to a stop without the driveline engaged. or rev it out in a 100km zone to ensure you are within the speedlimits.
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