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Posts posted by GoldV35

  1. Correct me if I am wrong (could well be) but I thought the Autos came out as 4 speed automatics, not 5 speed? I don't think mine is 5 speed as the tiptronic/manual mode only goes to 4m..

    Also regarding the automatic transmission fluid, it may be OK to use standard ATF fluid (such as Dexron III ATF), but Nissan strongly recommend using their Matic J ATF according to the factory log books, use of any other fluid voided AT warranties in Japan. May just be a marketing ploy for them to sell their own branded fluids but not sure if I want to take a risk on it.

    The normal autos only came out as 5 speed, don't know where your other gear went, maybe Al Qaeda is holding it hostage.

    Regarding the transmission fluid, forget about the conspiracy theories and devious plots designed to get your money, just get what is recommended. Why would you get any other, just to save a couple of dollars? And if so, what are you going to do with money you save, buy a Kit Kat? Well you'll be walking to the shop to buy that Kit Kat when your transmission fails, haha.

  2. hold up one sec im slightly confused... ill try to make this easy to understand and hope someone can give me an answer.

    1.this post is regarding to a gt8cvt right?

    2.pw350gt is refering to a 5speed cvt auto? isnt this the same as the 350z? so nissan can do it?

    3.i would understand that nissan cannot change it for the gt8cvt but can for the coupe cvt5speed? am i right or missing a point?

    hope im not confusing anyone.

    I can't believe people are still asking these questions when I laid it all out on a silver platter for them in post #11, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

  3. Thank you for the summary as it sums everything up nicely. Given at the time that Toroidal CVT was developed it was a good idea but not sure because of the complexity that more things could go wrong therefore low adoption or is it because the development/cost of fluid to fulfill the needs.

    I think it could be due to a few reasons, cost obviously being a big issue. That would only go down if consumer uptake increased which would in turn lead to further development and improvements to the manufacturing that in turn would lower cost.

    Car makers such as Mercedes Benz, BMW and Audi have 7 and 8 speed DSG boxes now, and it won't be too long before this technology filters down to the cheaper segment cars. And when they do, they will essentially render the toroidal CVT redundant, as they are almost as smooth and economical, most importantly though, cheaper. So there is no point developing the toroidal CVT any further IMO, and I think the execs at Nissan recognise this.

    In addition, the belt/chain drive CVT's currently in use are making advancements, improving and from what I can see they have the small to medium car segment tightly in their grasp.

  4. i would like to know the same as well.

    How often you need to change the fluid? Every 36 months or 80,000km?

    Can't Nissan dealer change it for us? since the 350z comes with the same auto transmission on the 5 speed.


    I hope you're not suggesting that the 350z has the same auto transmission, as it is completely different.

    I'll set the record straight as there seems to be a lot of people unsure of the details to do with the CVT.

    I did the research and came up with this:

    *The Nissan Extroid CVT is found in the 350GT-8 aswell as the Cedric and Gloria, but those last two had an earlier 6 speed version.

    *The transmission is made for Nissan by a company called Jatco Ltd (scroll to the bottom), model designation JR006E.

    *The half toroidal 'rollers' contained in that transmission are manufactured by NSK Global.

    *The special oil is manufactured for Nissan by a huge company called Idemitsu Kosan.

    *Based on the research data from the aforementioned company, the oil starts to lose its integrity at around the 120k mark, however Nissan recommends at or before the 100k mark.

    *Some dealers will change the oil for you, others won't, depends on how much of a risk they perceive it to be, I'm sure you'll find someone to do it. Just make sure they accept liability in the event there is an issue.

    The oil was developed to solve a specific problem, that is to provide traction between two surfaces under great pressure, (half toroidal rollers) in addition to being able to handle temps around 200 degrees. Strangely enough it also provides lubrication for all the other moving parts, its only when placed under great pressure that the molecules bond, therefore providing a relatively solid tractive surface for the rollers.

    And yes, the oil is not cheap, but unfortunately no one makes an alternative.

  5. Maybe ask Jon at Carizma, Richmond. He'll be able to get some for you. Just let him know his best customer, Nelson, referred you.

    I am definitely going to see him when I need CVT oil. He has the network to source it for u from Japan...Even parts for the V35....

    So your Mrs wanted a non-turbo 4 door auto, but you miss having a Porsche? Then get the Porsche Panamera, I've test driven it and its a serious consideration, I've finally had enough of the issues I have to deal with having an import.

  6. OK well the compression test results are in. The manifold and intake cleanout took 2 days of solid work..... it was caked black.

    1 - 170psi

    2 - 170psi

    3 - 150psi

    4 - 170psi

    5 - 150psi

    6 - 170psi

    I have been told the standard is 175psi. Two have come in at 150psi. Should I be worried about this? Will the engine last long? I have had the carbon deposits and build up cleaned out with a new air filter installed.. the exhaust actually hits a somewhat deeper note now like the car is actually breathing.. it never had that before.


    Possible causes:

    1. Lack of oil causing the rings to be overworked.

    2. Old (worn) and weak rings.

    3. Crack or opening in the head - but that doesn't necessarily mean water in the oil or oil in the water.

    4. Cracked cylinder

    5. Burned, warped or cracked valve(s).

    6. Burned or cracked piston.

    7. Cylinder worn or out of round.

    8. Blown or leaky head gasket.

    9. Sticky valve(s).

    10. Broken or worn valve spring(s).

    11. Bent/worn pushrod(s)

    12. Worn camshaft, or a broken lobe on the cam.

    13. Worn or bent rocker arm(s).

    14. Collapsed lifter(s).

    The main suspects would probably be 2, 7 and 8.

  7. so soft as in they don't have the same spring rate as the OEM springs??....but 15K out of a set isn't that bad. Esp if your not using it as daily drive....oh and G7 would you have a picture of your car?, just want to see the drop.

    I have the King Springs for the 350z on my V35 sedan, they are great, lowered about an inch. They are only 15% stiffer than stock, so the ride quality is basically the same.

  8. My opinion is forget about getting this car, its already got problems and you haven't even bought it yet, find another one.

    In fact, my other half is selling her one that is the same year and model as that one, its dark blue with black leather interior. The good part about it is she has already been through the whole process of getting the transmission fixed, exactly the same problems you are having now. And it takes a while to fix it, especially if the 'mechanics' working on it haven't touched one of those transmissions before, which they more than likely haven't.

    The point is, my other half is selling hers now, you need a working V35, and I believe she wants $19k for it, but I'll find out all the details later if you are interested.

  9. Thanks for the tips guys.

    I agree it does take time to warm up before shifting properly in normal operation, but the car STAYS in 1st no matter what for 2-4km. This is definitely not normal.

    And it threw the vehicle speed sensor code, which is most certainly not normal.

    I suggest the battery probably wasn't disconnected as the crash repairer was only touching up chips, but you never know. I will get them to do the re-learn things - is there a sticky somewhere to tell me how to do this?

    Hi mate, how many kms has it done? You may need to change the oil as when it gets older, it'll start losing its ability to create friction between the lobes, therefore throwing up a speed sensor error as it slips. Kind of like when a back wheel loses traction and the traction control senses it.

  10. I think the auto is great, a huge improvement over my Soarers auto but thats hardly surprising since the Soarer is 18 years old.

    It'll hold gears in full auto mode, match revs when you change gears in semi-auto mode and generally changes quite quick.

    On the subject of fuel consumption, my readout shows an average of 9.1L per 100km, which is based on 9000km driven.

    And in a real test of fuel consumption, I travelled around 800km on a full tank, mostly highway driving though.

    To the OP, just get the 350GT, its the top of the line why settle for less? Honestly, if it worries you that much and you have to count your pennies just to put fuel in the car then you probably should just stick to buying a little hyundai. :)

  11. If you are considering a 250GT, then forget about 'grunt', it just doesn't compare to the 350GT version. Even worse, it doesn't even compare to the weak looking Australian Maxima which has more power. You just have to move back to Australia where the petrol and rego isn't as bad, haha.

  12. Thanks Ben.

    Based on everyone's comments regarding the CVT, I'll be buying a 3 year mechanical warranty on the car from the dealer. So, for the next 3 years, I should be "safe".

    Can I ask if finding a donor gearbox, say a 5 speed auto or 6 speed manual, is a hard task? I mean, if the CVT is gonna break, I might as well change the whole gearbox.

    Yes, its a pain in the a$$ task, but more importantly, expensive.

    Apart from swapping the mechanical parts over, you also have to change the computer. If you are putting in a manual transmission, then obviously you need to put the clutch mechanism in aswell.

    If you add up parts and labour, then you will probably come to realise you should of just bought a 5 speed auto or manual to begin with.

    Everything you need to do with that CVT transmission is either difficult, expensive or time consuming.

    How do I know this? I had a 350GT-8 for a few months before I came to my senses. The smoother driving experience is not worth the hassle, its just a gimmick IMO. Now I have a 5 speed auto and its fine to drive, smooth enough.

    If you don't care about throwing your money down the drain, then get a 350GT-8.

  13. SteveL,

    I too have no trouble importing parts for M35 Stagea... and you think V35's are difficult? EVERYONE knows what a Skyline is!

    I just call Ferntree Gully Nissan or Gary Rogers Nissan down here in VIC. Neither have an issue looking up or getting parts in (max 10 business days).

    However, I have also asked other dealerships about parts (or even a service) and I am put in the 'too hard basket'.

    I mean I even had to convince one that my car can be read through consult!

    So I guess I understand where GoldV35 is coming from. Talking to dealerships that don't want to step outside the square and refuse to give you that time of day can get you pretty pissed.

    You are lucky that you have found a good Dealership.

    The other three that I know of are Hornsby (NSW) and the 2 Vic dealerships I mentioned above.

    I do not know of any in QLD that would help.... although they all should. Money IS money after all.

    Thanks mate, you are an example of unbiased and thorough research, SteveL is a bit of a toss though.

  14. No, I don't work for them, and I only needed to ring one to find this out. Not because of you, but someone else I know who claimed they had to import the oil from Japan in the same way.

    Judging from the above, I'd say your attitude has a lot to do with your problems (and I'm not really THAT interested to continue with this....)

    If you weren't interested in continuing, you wouldn't of made that last comment, and I don't have an attitude problem, you have a perception problem :D

    Seriously, is this what you do with your time in between jerking off the internet porn?

    Wow, you called ONE Nissan dealership and all of a sudden you are the expert on their policy.

    Next time you feel the urge to do something stupid, don't. Thats advice your mother should of taken years ago. (hope that didn't go over your head)

    (and I'm not really THAT interested to continue with this....)

  15. I thought about commenting on this thread over in the FS forums, but best to do it here:


    Firstly, the asking price is very good and better than Nissan Oz could do (retail or trade), so go for it. However, it's not correct to say that Nissan 'don't want to know'. In fact, this oil is available in the Nissan warehouse in Western Australia and any dealer in Australia will get it in for you (if they act dumb or try to fob you off, then I suggest finding another dealer). Unlike other makes, Nissan Australia has a policy of supporting all the vehicles they make, including gray imports (try getting Honda Australia to import a part for one of their cars that wasn't officially sold here....).

    Thanks for pointing out to everyone that I am selling it at a better price than anyone else :D

    Not sure though why you would want to defend the local Nissan dealerships, maybe you work for them? I called TEN local dealerships, (admittedly not one from WA, but thats a million miles from anywhere) and either I was told flat out that they would not help me, or that it was too much trouble. Even worse, all of them didn't really have a clue what I was talking about and just told me to pop in Maxima CVT oil. So when I say they 'don't want to know', I think I have enough experience with them to be able to say that. How many do I have to contact before this 'policy' you talk about comes into effect?

    The main point is, no matter what feel good policy Nissan Australia has, they can't offer this oil at my price.

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