Okay i'll set u straight.
Originally the idea was to have one national club, this idea worked out to be to much hassles for administration, meetings, AGM, insurance etc.
This lead to the decision to form a skylines australia club in each state and have them associated with each other through this forum. This is whats happening now. NSW is all setup and ready to take members, but having very little success at getting them.
Victoria is nearly setup but have a decent number of guys already signed and paid up.
Qld and WA have stalled.
WA has stalled as the large majority of reactions i get or here are that we in WA prefer it the way it is now, casual and free.
I have all the paperwork and get copies of relevant documents from the NSW and VIC guys when and if they are ever needed.
cost is one of the major reasons WA is not happening. To cover, public liability insurance, CAMS affiliation, administration, auditor etc the first year costs for the club would be in the vacinity of $80 a year and about $50-60 there after.
If a club was wanted it would take till about June to be ready if we started tomorrow and everything went smoothly.
To start one you need atleast 10 people willing ot join and pay. but the most we've ever had at one time is about 8. with the 10 people the initial start up costs going on the prices i was given in early 2002 would be $110 each and that would leave nothing in the kitty which is not good.
So thats why WA is staying a community of skyline lovers and not a formal incorperated club for now.
In short:
Not enough interest
costs to much
and people prefer it the way it is.