Kym i'm locking this baby before you get yourself into trouble.
Start as many threads as you want about the problems with your car, but any hint at company bashing and i'll shut it.
look the guy has a business to run, by the sounds of it hes a busy fella. so if your car isn't first in line wait why should somebody whos car has been there 2 or 3 days wait cause ur car just showed up.
your getting warrenty work done, thats the dealers responsability so he is working for the dealer. if you don't like that go through the dealer and have him get another shop to do the work.
you've only brought this on yourself for being impatient mate, this is contructive critisim so take it as such. you shouldn't have told the dealer you took it to the drags and not knowing what the exact problem with it was you shouldn't have run it at the plex till it was sorted.
i know you just want your car back asap and working 100% but upsetting tuners etc want help. Perth is a small place and most tuners know each other and they know whos been bagging them and who hasn't. If you don't want to get a bad rep with them stop shooting your mouth off and be patient and not so easy to fly off the handle.