then sue for damages then they have to pay he gets a record which will stuff him up for life. etc
and tell his parents but don't forget to tell them about possible police action they way wish to settle.
its fibrevisions 400R knockoff and the skirts are nismo items.
but fibrevisions work is abit dodgy unless u want the car in shows then its only alittle better.
low profilies aren't the best for drags nor is stiff rear suspension.
if the shocks are ajustable for bounce etc set em up so that they don't bounce back quickly. helps the car squat and put the power down.
1996-2000 models are being recalled to fix a fuel rail 'o' ring crossover problem. expect a letter soon.
and don't drive to fire as the engine may catch to far.
dude spend $80-100 on a new battery sounds like your problem, and if it isn't theres no harm in having a new battery in the car with all the electronics in a skyline.