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Everything posted by skyzerr33

  1. shhh trying to slip that under the radar while shes getting back in swing of Uni.
  2. when ur on next see if i'm on, do a /who silvan or kneekap i need to do some BRD runs to collect the dust for thorium brotherhood faction.
  3. well lets see my old cat was called Yoda (miss him ) my car is mastryoda one of our current cats is wicket w warrick (after an ewok) and seeing i get no say in the kids names when they come i get to name the pets. Obi is a cutie 7kg at 8 weeks gulp... current hobbies, food, chasing the cats, and peeing as kylie said 50-60kg full grown and 70-75cm tall to boot.
  4. /sarcasim on oh nooooessss a change how dare they, my little utopia is ruined /sarcasim off gee they haven't added extra skins yet. white and blue is very easy to read. change the font size if your blind. so far for me works just fine no lag, got to check out the rest of it yet but no complaints from me so far. evolution and change are all part of moving forward, previous changes ahve turned out fine so can't see any difference now. but come on its just a message forum, you come you read, you post, you leave you check every now and then.
  5. that escort is a hoot. one of the best 5 man tasks in the game. volcanic is a gods send in MC and Ony. you soak up about 50% AV is bugged atm. alliance players can show up in more than one AV so there never full. the guys fishing are total wankers. they are just collecting faction as for every faction handin you receive 1 faction point . __________________
  6. lets see was paying $840 a year for the skyline 55% ncb (rac) with mods was 27 when it was pinched had the car since i was 22. highest premium was $1100 had full nbc for the entire period. so over 5 years the price dropped $260 nothing huge. Asked when the cheaper price for age kicked was told its been moved to 27 now and could become 30 soon. now on the 96 civic for 13k cover consindering i have recent at fault claim (yes the insurance companies give you an at fault claim when ppl break into your house steal ur car keys and take the car. why cause the car was never recovered they have no one else chace for the money.) and that I put Kylie on the policy as the youngest driver at 21 I got prices from 1200 to 450 a year ended up at police and nurses for $450 with half no claim bonus and a 10% policu increase because i had a claim in the last 3 months. Next renewl will see that 10% gone and a higher NCB
  7. yeah i just want the set for look and for the sake the accomplishment. have better items for 6 of the 8 slots so no biggie there. i'm in Soga Mijizi yeah the guild horde love to hate especially those who use to play SWG on valcyn.
  8. MC is tough, takes you afew runs to sort all the different stratigies needed. my guild has got half way through but being mainly casual gamers we only go once a week if we can get the numbers. we have just got enough ppl with the ony key to form a full raid for it. our best effort so far has been getting her to 38% with 28ppl.
  9. thats not so bad i've had a pali and roll and beat me on SC pants WTF!!! he wanted to disenchant it argghhh.
  10. happy b'day Liz havea good one friday night got another night shift then can't make it.
  11. oh i wouldn't come back for BWL yet its buggy as hell. shaman huh blackanator will have to hunt all shamans on BR to find u lol.
  12. u don't want the shanker yes its great and one of the 5 weapons i carry at all times but the bleed proc will get u shouted out of the big instanced for taking up a debuff spot and ruining a stunlock. ie use it in ony, MC or BWL at ur own peril. endgame instances pali's are mainly healers and buffbots. if thats what u want to play pali's are really good. they do pretty darn well in pvp also wearing a mix of warrior and pali gear and using a reaper. i'm hating my SC gear atm been like 3 months without a drop that i need. still need boots/gloves and helm. then i new guy in our guild gets the whole set in 4 days lucky bastard.
  13. gratz guys wookie weston or best weston ( i can't believe no one said the last one yet)
  14. kym just likes the sight of his own typing
  15. just buy the plugs that come spaced at 0.8mm so much easier. usually don't have the -11 on the end otherwise the same numbering.
  16. Valcyn was the aussie server back in the day. gave up SWG just b4 JTL grinding jedi was to boring and all my fellow guidies had moved to linage 2 while waiting for WoW.
  17. :chairshot :evil:
  18. it gets cold there at night hun....
  19. r u guys skipping squares u know r mines? without marking them either. plus the left click and double click methods. i keep hitting randoms till i get a big chumck taken out.
  20. mine are: Begginer:4 seconds.. Intermediate:38 seconds Expert:119 seconds i know someone who did expert in 94 he got lucky and had apile along the outside edge.
  21. :shake: or :boinkcar: ?? tape it either way we can sell it for profit at the next car show
  22. which means there fibreglass bonnets with a Carbon fibre layer, and prone to buckling from the engine heat depending on how well they are made.
  23. yeah but unless they have passed the law change on the sly speed camera's still need to have a sign in WA saying u've just been through a speed trap.
  24. if its her b'day ur the that should be on ur knees trying not to drown urself.....
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