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Everything posted by skyzerr33

  1. if you already have a policy they shouldn't be cancelling your policy. Thats jsut bad businesss. torque underwriting last time i checked (over a year ago) want insure you with an imported turbo car unless your 30+
  2. Kylies got her shift swapped so will be coming she wants to bum alift from anyway coming from joondalup way so she doesn't have to catch the choochoo then walk to my work
  3. do we have to whore every thread???? Kylies is off and i have dayshift so with car shuffling one or both of us will be there
  4. right lets stuff you all up. The BP refinery in Kwinana is the only one in WA. Due ot WA's boutique fuel laws its the only one allowed to produce fuel for WA. All fuel in WA is suppose to come from that refinery. The other companies buy it and add there own little odds and ends to make there premium unleaded and vortex etc. Shipping fuel from the eastern states would cost more and the fuel would not meet our boutique fuel laws so couldn't be used unless it is refined to match the fuel produced at BP's kwinana refinery.
  5. auto electrician
  6. closed.
  7. yeah the water pump replacement and labour for it adds to the cost might just go with the belt change as it is considerably cheaper.
  8. man just the extra $30 for the permits saves the hassles next time your car gets checked.
  9. yes i'm a pc game junkie and wow is a mmorpg.
  10. i'm pushing 180k and going strong. just got to find the grand for 2nd timing belt lol.
  11. loved the baldersgate and neverwinternights series going to be playing WOW when it comes out.
  12. sweet will have to go get a copy. and see if i can spy myself in the groupshot
  13. well gotta work sat will be there sunday to lend support. hope all goes well for the entrants.
  14. where in clarkson you work? i thought u lived up that way seeing i see ur car all the time.
  15. that was my thinking.
  16. wouldn't happen to have an upgraded turbo, front mount, ecu and be an automatic?
  17. the track got final approval a couple of months ago. so it should start being laid soon.
  18. i hate being broke would love one of each ie button up and tshirt in xl. will sees if i can find $80
  19. note i said i've seen i haven't seen ground control 2 also helps that i'm abit of a warhammer fan
  20. Best graphics on a RTS i've seen only played on level so far but rawks to.
  21. got it on PC it rawks the yavin 4 levels are pretty swanky to
  22. think that was mcteirnan or how ever u spell it.
  23. Good to hear your back in action mate and great the at wedding and honeymoon was good catch u around at a cruise if i don't get stuck at work again.
  24. This car is in WA this car belongs to R33 Impul
  25. well afew pollies got a carbon copy of my letter to the editor.
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