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    Melbourne / GC / Auckland

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    Nissan Skyline R33 GTS25t

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  1. Hey Guys, as title states, i've just installed my SAFC2 (dont you just love it when you do shit yourselves and it works good?) well my SAFC2 works great EXCEPT for the throttle position readout. when I'm in monitor mode and the engine's off, the throttle readout is smooth and in sync with how much i push the gas pedal. however when the engine's running, the throttle readout is really rough / laggy. i'll push it down a bit and it'll jump as high as 80% when i push it down all the way though, it'll still read 100%. like it's only working at the two extremes. has anyone else come across this problem? any ideas what it could be or how to fix it? thanks guys
  2. bad news for the glass then huh dammit . . yea, i'll be quite stoked if the sedan door handles work in my coupe! especially if the colours match up (silver facelift coupe / silver facelift sedan) here's hoping!
  3. it could just be that the car was started and run for short periods of time, eg a home that's close to work etc. thats known to cause fouling of the plugs aswell. explain the low mileage and good condition
  4. Hey Guys, some idiot tried to steal my car the other day. screw drivered the passenger side door lock, but couldn't get it opened, he then tried to enter the car by breaking the rear 1/4 window so now that my lock is stuffed, does anyone know if the rear door handles from a S2 Sedan would fit my S2 Coupe? there's no key holes in them, so i'm wondering if that would work to stop idiots screw driving my door locks . . and also, the rear 1/4 glass - anyone replaced one? do i need a special glue or is it a unscrew the glass & bracket, reinstall and done? any help appreciated, thanks guys
  5. Hi, if you've got a 96+ (facelift) SILVER COUPE, your paint code should be KR5. i think KL0 was the prefacelift. i learnt this the hard way . . . GrRrRrR . . .
  6. cheers thanks, yea the r34 interior is fakkin mint, personally, i think the GT-T cluster looks better than the R34 GT-R Cluster. really hoping this will work out, if anyone knows anything, any help will be appreciated. thanks
  7. around 4750rpm is where your curve starts to fall it's definately some kind of flow limitation always start with the cheapest and easiest possible solutions: if you've got a 2835, surely you'd have the full 3" exhaust from the turbo back, high flow or no cat, straight as possible. check your fuel pump and ensure that it's grounded properly and is getting the correct voltage. check your sensors etc. does the Wolf V500 an AFM type ecu? limits of the stock rb25 afm are around around 230rwkw, alot of people upgrade to a z32 using a power fc at this stage. 1.1 bar should be enough boost, once you've got your 550cc injectors in, get an adjustable fuel pressure regulator and up the fuel pressure a bit. Edit: oh yea, also what type of "aftermarket fuel pump do you have?" bosch 044s are much much better than their 040 brothers.
  8. Hi Guys, anyone ever attempted to perform this conversion? im quite keen as i love the r34's interior, but dont want the heavy r34 (or maybe i just cant afford one) would like to know whats involved, what do i have to do to make it work? i'm looking to change the entire dash, door trims etc. including making the r34 speedo cluster work with the r33 sensors and ecu... any help appreciated thanks
  9. oh yea, mods are: APEXi Power Intake 3" Turbo Back, R32 Actuator SAFC2
  10. Hey guys, i've got the opportunity of buying an OP6 R34 turbo for my S2 GTS25t whats the initial power increase i can expect if i just do the straight swap? thanks
  11. because im not using a dual filament globe. its gonna be an issue using the factory park light plug which is why im using normal single filament bulbs. mostly would like to know what would happen if i wired the positive for the park light and the positive for the indicators together.
  12. Ok, so i've got the indicators to blink at the normal rate just by taking the bulbs from the original indicators and putting them in the park light sockets - direct replacement. you can get these in orange, so it shouldn't be a problem with the law. they're 18w bulbs with wedge terminals. as for a dual filament bulb, there's still the issue with using the factory park light plug. what will happen if i wire my positive for the park lights and positive for the indicators together and activate them at the same time? explosion? lol... blown fuse?
  13. Yeah, I know... how about if i split the positive for the park lights so that one goes to the relay and one goes to the park lights constantly? also want to make sure i dont blow anything up either :S
  14. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/In...ts-t274066.html
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