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Everything posted by Jap_Muscle

  1. hey guys i still havnt decided on whether ill be going T04z or sticking it out with the 35r. but i was told that the t3 and t4 flange are pretty much identical apart from a few screws? can anyone confirm this?
  2. how large were all your exhaust systems when you made the 400kw? did u guys run straight pipes? any cats?
  3. sorry my bad about the .86, what i mean was indeed the .82. i understand your frustration there lithium but im just asking for proof on these power makings. i think we both know how many dreamers and bullshitters there are these days who claim to make a certain power, but apon close examination is utter crap. ive seen one 1 graph on a GTS4 R32 which made 398kw @ all 4, all on 20psi.....which i have never heard of. 20psi on a 35r to make 400kw, i cant see it happening. 25psi sounds more likely. now if sky was using race fuel.....or i dont know some unknown factor we havnt heard of.....maybe it would be possible r33_racer's setup on the other hand, sounds more realistic. making close to 400kw, race prepped head, 24psi......and its a 1.06 rear. is it just me or do some things not add up? like i said guys im not here to judge or insult. im just like everyone else trying to find the best combination for my car with some constructive criticism. DCIEVE, do you happen to havemore info on your 35r equipped r31? how much psi were u running?
  4. I still rkn 400kw on a .86 35r is bolllocks I think i'll be going to4z on my 26\30. I should have a graph in about 2 or 3 weeks.
  5. a proper 300kw auto would destroy any 400kw manual. 3500 staller, 2 speed......gg
  6. basicly the gold gives u a really high pitch whistle....and the purple gives u a bit of a "woosh" whistle....if that makes sense.... youtube it.....theres heaps of yanks showing that shit off on their supras
  7. nice graph sky...... do you mind me asking how much psi u ran? headwork? and your saying you amde that power in a r32 GTS-4???? 398 @ all 4 wheels?
  8. i apologize sky30 if ive offended you i just have never in my time come across a .8 gt35r doing ~400kw @ the wheels. the .8 is rated @ 600hp i think which is 447kw at the fly.....15% loss in drivetrain and the numbers come to around 370....and thats in a PERFECT senario. again i guess i am picking at staws here.... 170km/h in the 1/8 mile......again not being a smart ass or starting trouble but ill believe it when i see it.
  9. whats the ETR on the build?
  10. im totally with ya there buddy. im trying to reach the 400kw mark and find ti very hard with a gt35r, but alot of ppl are saying its possible. so before i buy a to4z i want to make sure 100% the 35r is out of puff.
  11. youll be talking about aftermarket ECUs by that stage and as a safe bet id still get a FMIC. although its getting pretty cold these days so maybe you wont have a problem. i went with a home brand intercooler which set me back 435bux (far out the good days wen the aussie $$$ was doing good) and now i regret it. im aiming for 300+ onwards and i wish i went with a proper made jap cooler. just the quality and efficiency allround is better. you also need to make a decision on weather you wanna risk a defect. because if you dont youll need a return flow cooler. which narrows your choicees down even more. youll also need to motify the front bar to fit any sort of FMIC unless you get a aftermarket bar. ultimately it comes down to a few things, answer these quesitons and we can give you almost a spot on answer. Budget (how much do you want to spend on a cooler) ultimate Power Aim? (try to think if youll go after market turbo) Willing to Risk Defects? GL mate.......i remember when i 1st started with my skyline....haha the good days.....
  12. That's a fantastic effort there rezlo. Do you have any more specs on the car? Looking at your sig it seems like you put a rb25 in your silvia? No rb30? Ported? How much power did you make with the t04z?
  13. gosh i didnt realise they were so cheap...... ill have to research a bit more lol
  14. well i guess ill stand porven as soon as i see something to back that up
  15. i dont think you realise what you are sayiung. im telling you he did not make 400kw on a .8 gt35r
  16. its just sound man.....nothing more
  17. id be interested to see any gt35r with a .86 rear make more then 360. must be my car if i cant get there llol
  18. might be a bit more believable on a rotary.....but i still find it hard on a rb30
  19. a very old quote but im slowly getting through the thread. not that i dont believe you sky30 but i find it extremely hard to believe your making almost 400kw with a .86 rear......especially only on 20psi. that sounds like something a 5L motor would do. im running a rb30 gt35r .86 @ 20psi only made 335rwkw. no head work as such but still.... do you have something to back that up? i do hope you prove me wrong because it gives me hope for my setup lol
  20. hey guys got some bits i wanna get rid off for a GTR conversion. OEM 2000 R34 GTT Bonnet in black finish - $700 ONO Bommex R34 GTT Bonnet in black finish - $950 ONO ADR approved so no defects guys!!! Fibre Glass Material Both items are located in Melbourne **please note pics are not of actual product but identical in every single way.** any questions please ask!!!
  21. hey mate i got a factory r34 bonnet in black if u want it. but its in melbourne. it should only cost around ~150bux to get to you, but dont quote me on that. let me know by pm
  22. you can do that with the stupid oem turbo.
  23. why would u bother slapping such a small turbo on a 25/30 build. at least go gt30. ~300kw and full boost by 3000 which is amazing response.
  24. alot of the guys in the US have been experimenting with large compressor housings combined with smaller rear housings to maximize air velocity with turbos. for example using a t04z compressor housing with a 35r rear. but do they actually bolt up? im not a expert on turbos i can understand how increasing velocity though the turbine would have massive benefits, but how exactly are rear and compressor housing connected? and are they all universal? and is it possible? thoughts?
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