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Everything posted by Moanie

  1. Careful with the old comments! though you're lucky you look about 15 think i know which light you were at too.. is it the one at new line rd? man that is a long stretch! the dumbass must have been fiddling with his radio or something! you seriously can't miss that light! and you're right.. lucky you weren't pushed into the car in front! that'd be ten times worse, cause you'd have front bar and maybe fmic damage... and who knows what after that! you going to get some quotes today? or no time?
  2. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. What was the full time score?
  4. LOL!!!! yeah... i'll go with the later!
  5. hmm.. the fine for having a pod is $150.. well that was 2 years ago.. i don't think they'd have taken it down... these people only increase fines and brick - yuummm!!!!!!
  6. hehehehe... just get that sinking feeling when i see threads like this!
  7. it aint over till full time third game
  8. woah! old thread! lol!!!! could have just PMed him!!! lol!
  9. wakie is the perfect beginners track!!!! there is lots of run off room, and only really one wall you come near, but thats down the straight well worth starting a track career on
  10. DAMMIT!!! wish i'd bothered to look at dates! :\
  11. i don't know.. i was getting that feel towards the end... I don't know.. no point starting anything.. its sad we've all lost our distraction for the day! time to start something new!!!
  12. I was in the whorethread till the end, and can confirm there were no incidents! There was one incident where a random came in to cause trouble on the weekend, but that was it! nothing related to this that i can tell! and thats probably where the probs start.. suburbs vs 'whoretown'.. it really shouldn't have to be like that
  13. I always have one on every cruise i go on most of the old schoolers do its a cheap way to chat to everyone at once and its useful for directions and organising next plans
  14. yeah be careful of stock boxes... expecially if you have some aftermarket piping.. mine cost me about $400 to make to fit around everything! *sigh*
  15. Yeap thats true! I apologise for my childishness! Some things just bring out the worst and stupid in me!! I have already decided that my last comments will be just that.. the last! I am here to enjoy my car and meet new enthusiasts and to generally have a good time! I don't want all the crap going around to affect any of this. that is all
  16. I believe i was taken to court by the EPA, only because I was a repeat offender. Don't see why they would do that if you had an engineers cert! Wuld be worthless if they did! And damn! alot of research! I need to look into engineering mine now! *sigh* so many expenses!
  17. i think anything engineerable is allowed!
  18. anything that differs from stock will need tot be engineered be careful with this though guys! Cause i got defected twice for my pod and exhaust (this was by a rta/epa setup though and not just by a highway patrolperson) and the second time, the epa took m to court... so be wary of second time defects!
  19. yeap.. and i should have butted out of it! Sorry dif! I will keep all critcisms and opinions to myself! AND MAYHEM!!! So sorry for hijacking your thread!
  20. i gave you some constructive criticism. feel free to post it if you want! I have ALWAYS been a club supporter! Please show me where i have not been! And whore thread? there is a club in the whore threads? didn't know that! Guess that means we have 10 different clubs! the whore threads are for people to talk about how their weekend was, and where their next meet is.. the NSW section is for car talk and overall nsw discussions no probs chickie! Neither was I! I also was of the opinion that the post was rude.. but i know what you mean about others using the same phrase... its just not happened in nsw that i've seen! At the end of the day we are meant to help each other! i think its great dif took the time to do a quick search for the thread started, i just thought she could have presented the information a little better. Note, the thread starter did say he 'tried' to search... so its not like he jsut posted a thread without bothering! I'd understand if that was the case.. the fact that he tried and had no luck, would lead me to expect a polite response.
  21. Well good on her! but i think the point is, she didn't need to be so rude about it! a simple, 'after a quick search, here is what i found' works just as well! Alot of people aren't good at searching.. they don't use the right keywords, or they search the wrong sections... he obviously tried a search and came up with nothing, so came here to attempt to pull up info! Sometimes its just easier to ask in here, than to waste half a day searching for something everyone already knows! We're meant to help each other, not ridicule each other! I thought thats what SAU was all about!
  22. LOL!!!! shuduppp!!!!!!
  23. LOL!!! nah.. just not a morning person, so will hardly make the 8am meetup, or whenver it is and if i did i'll probably be asleep by midday! i'm getting old! lol!!! will try and be there to support the club for the rest of the day though And nick!!! please tell your sister I wanted to chat to her again, but she was busy when i headed back her way.. and then we left soon after
  24. I've been defected for my pod.. never lost any points!
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