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Everything posted by Moanie

  1. hahahahahahaha :sorcerer:
  2. hahahahaha... when its not your car, you dont care about the ks
  3. nope not really.. would rather a stock 33 diff, then change it for a 1.5 way sometime down the track...
  4. lol!!! feel sorry for that car... soo man kms been put on it!
  5. spotted SL32IM cruising down windsor rd....
  6. hehehe... yeah, thats what i'm aiming for daveo! just in the process of finding one
  7. woah!!! soo sooo sooooo jealous!!! look at that beach!!!
  9. hahaahaha... man i didn't do any of that! was told by the rta i was allowed to drive it, and that was it! oh wells! i had no issues!
  10. hey dude! i had to do that when my car arrive in sydney... i didn't write a note or anything... just drove it straight to the blue slipper. I pretty much organised rego and green slip and everything that same day.
  11. let me know how it goes matty I have SSS automotive doing some research as well hopefully they'll be able to let me know if its an easy swap, or if i'll need the driveshaft and propeller shaft (please explain?) as well!
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAA... i remember that craved is making me one it'll be red
  13. lol!!! was going to say it looks like a s1.5.. but everyones beat me to it!
  14. i want a light up skyline back panel spotted babak at penno yesterday!! thought you looked familiar! why didn't you say something!!!! also spotted the sexy GTR026 outside!!! hmmm!
  15. ahh!! so it was paulr33? what alsd problem? I had the same prob with my pfc and alsd.. the computers did not talk... a few wiring changes and voila! i'm having more problems with my alsd though, and am looking to change it... any ideas on whether the stock 33 diff is interchangable with the alsd? or will i need to change the driveshaft and other things? anyone know!?
  16. who was the member? any chance of getting their nick, so i can pm them? Thanks!
  17. no you don't! thats only if you rip out the computer! and i'm about 99.999% sure you can't change the centre!
  18. lol! umm.. cause he said she like animals!
  19. yeah.. thats what i was going to say... you can't change the centre on the alsds.. which is why i'm thinking of going a stock r33 lsd.. then i can look at upgrading down the track sometime... but need to know how easy it is to fit the lsd into the alsd slot!
  20. Hi All!!! Does anyone know what needs to be done to replace a Alsd diff with the standard viscous diff in a series 2 R33?? Is it easy or do you need to fiddle around a fair bit?! Thanks!!
  21. the easter show or the zoo!
  22. woot!!! happy birthday chicke!!!!! *samsballoonsandstreamersandstuffses*
  23. you do know that means the same thing, yeah? unless you mean 10.99 and below below 12sec you need andra licence.. .below 10secs you need to get a roll cage and meet other wsid requirements
  24. Moanie


    love your work, as always, pete!!! can't wait to see your baby out and about at various events/tracks/drags strips
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