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Everything posted by Moanie

  1. Yeap.. they put a mike to your exhaust.. pull out a db meter and rev to 4800 in neutral and voila!
  2. its 90db at 4800rpm
  3. there you are!! was going to tell Mass to talk too you about it i recommend him too! hes done an awesome job on my car and it comes with a lifetime guarantee
  4. your face in that last pic looks sooo funny and i want pics of your head shaved before i donate
  5. sif *SCHLAP* yeah i will
  6. or YOU are
  7. that pic didn't work?
  8. hmmm... around 10:30-11pm? or there abouts? i stopped alongside the car and waved quickly... think the driver would have seen and it was wine red
  9. you, mr tumnus, HAVE to come sif miss out on our annual cruise!!!!! you have plenty of notice, so work around it ooo!!! yesss! i'll let him know! hes probably the only one (out of you and him) that will beat me!! OOOOoOoOoOOOOOoooooooo
  10. spotted a sexy silver 33 cruising in front of me today... SKZ01D or something? also spotted a red 33 on anzac bridge... GT25TT..
  11. awesome!!! and updated!
  12. ahhh!!! a sneaky spot!!!!
  13. lol! didn't seee you toshy!!! looked for you smoking out the front of PP though!!!
  14. what tha!!! so sorry to see sarah! and so glad you're ok!!! that seatbelt is shocking!!!!
  15. yeah... i can imagine how he feels! its all our worst nightmare and awww... your babys come home
  16. haha... sounds like the route we'll be taking mr moo!
  17. hahaha.. yeah.. like 6 months ago!!! hopeless! you know it! so are you! there is a fairly big field opposite the golf course... we usually park on the grass there... nice photo ops too! (refer to wils duck pic) also, there is a decent pub up the hill from there, where we usually break for lunch... it'll probably be packed with us! lol! but there are some other places around
  18. hahaha.. thats a good reason to come along trag! lucky i don't need family guy episodes anymore! you took too long! lol! joe... you can try
  19. Hi All!! Well i've always organised a Wisemans cruise around Aust Day, and i don't see why this (next) year should be any different! Date: 28th January 2007 Meet Point: The Hotel IBIS carpark.. its fairly big and should be able to accomodate us all.. Its also right next to Thornleigh Maccas. For those that aren't familiar with this carpark it is on the corner of Central Ave and Phyllis Ave (21-29 Central Avenue Thornleigh NSW 2120 and if you want landmarks, Thornleigh maccas is on Central Ave) Time: 9:30am for a 10:00am departure We'll head to Wisemans, stop for lunch, jump on the ferry for those keen people, and head back to Sydney via old Pac. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A CRUISE NOT A RACE. TAKE CARE ON THE ROADS AND REMEMBER ITS DOUBLE DEMERITS!!! Let me know whose interested! I'll be going rain or shine! (not hail.. sif have our cars out when its hailing!) Attendees: Shif_tea LJAY!!!!!!!!!!! Sl!m Shady Craved and Sated Tragic Smasha Security joe Manpoop N1GTR -- steveo! mr moo Andi Marrrrssssssssssss Yakoozaz Alien Henzie + 4 mike1987 MR TUMNUS CAUSE WE ALL KNOW HE'LL BE THERE! ir85ex winkeh ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BINTIE!!!!!!!!! and maybe westside! Alex and mate TJandriesen Colin, jo and dean! \/\/estside Tinks and her coastie possie! Dave with his T04 goodness! DJ ALBERT IN DA HOUSE! DANSR33 the other james - lingeringsoul s1kR33 Ando THIS time Caz - 300zxs REPRESENT! GTRsean FR34KU Jonny boy Patto1234 E_Lu-SHuN with his sexy 4 door 34 :drool: Links Jago - AND HE MADE IT!!!!! rwkw and chris gts-4 dreamer SXC-R34 GTR_Legend blk180 76 GOLDZilla Maybes: Smokey the bandit Evil_Weeeevil V_TWIN (sur) goldenboy Nick Johnny boi Burnsie Skylinegtts DansR33 Cowboy Wayne who will end up coming teckno Scathing Jess and Andy Yidz Kiruss
  20. ohh yeah! awww.. that sux dude was it insured?
  21. lol!!! what movies that voice from?
  22. OUCH liz can't believe it!! what are you going to do now? least you're ok!!! there will always be another project car
  23. ooo anna! nice pics of the concert... we went too!! got great seats!! was just really happy they played jeremy and kings of leon aren't bad either!
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