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  1. hey matee i can offer $11,000
  2. im currentley on my Ls soon to be on my Ps, my question is am i allowed to drive for 10 minutes a day? cause on some days i work from the morning to night and dnt have time to practrise, im wondering if drving for 10 minutes on My Ls and recording it if it is legal or not?
  3. if i get denied f**k it i will just drive it and risk everything to drive the skyline my work is only like 1km away
  4. ok i will ask do yous know of the number to ring i dnt know if i ring the rta or theres a hotline number or sumthing anyone know? thanx
  5. cmon the corolla is a piece of shit compared to the skyline , also if i get the exemption for roadtesting vehicles at work, say i drive my skyline on my way to work, and cops pull me over am i aloowed to drive my skyline to work even if i got a exemption to road test vehicles?
  6. so say i sell my corolla and is only left with my skyline, can i drive that to work i will only drive it monday to friday, only goin 2 work and returning home, i will not drive it on sundays and saturdays just to get to work and return home.?
  7. no thats fine i get what your saying but can i drive my skyline to work even though i have a corolla thats my question will i be exmept to drive my skyline to work somedays?
  8. hi to all im getting my Ps soon in a few weeks im thinking of buying a old corolla $1500 of some sought, and also just bought GTS-T Now if i get a exemption which i will for work, i work at hunter holden and the boss wants me to road test selected vehicles and some might be commodores v8 hsv's and some astra turbos, now i will defenetly get an exemption for work. now my question is can i also apply for my GTS-T as my 2nd backup car ( only to get to work and back), is it possible i will be exempt for my skyline or no? please help.
  9. hey matee you intrested in $10,000 pm me
  10. anyone selling 2003-04 wrx for about $15000? please leave comment as i am willing to pay around 15k for a 2003-04 wrx. preabably modified:) thanx..
  11. matee where aree yu located and are yu willing to take $1300 pm me with your details to come and take a look?
  12. willing to take $8500 cash pm me
  13. hey matee willing to take 15000 cash? pm me
  14. hey matee nice car very intrested, willing to give $7000 cash PM me if intrested to arrange a day to see and pick up
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