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Everything posted by V35_Paul

  1. Thats great good work. I would like to know for when my windows fail one day.
  2. If one lock is gone it wont be long and the other will go in a few weeks if not days. Get both done if you got the cash.
  3. Get cruise control fitted if you don't have it
  4. Yeah i seen you guys too. Had my phone off. Was way to busy to catch up. It was a long weekend early to rise late to bed
  5. Hey guys, I'm coming down to perth friday for the weekend so keep an eye out for me. i'm helping out at a 4x4 show at the Burrswood dome.
  6. I'll start saving and i'll buy it for my SWB Pajero. If it's still for sale in 3 months
  7. Swap the 370Z unit into it and your good to go The unit cost alot new. look for one from a wreck and you'll be sweet
  8. Sound like it's your after market immobiliser/alarm Some have a function to turn the indicators on and keep them on untill you open the door or turn the car on. What brand is your alarm? try different button combos like pressing your unlock button first then your lock button to lock the car or pressing your lock button twice.
  9. Ebay mate. just search G35
  10. Yeah also you can polish your ports. You could do this yourself with a dremel and the right bits. There are DIY's on youtube
  11. Stroker kit. Or cheaper, get a your Cams upgraded
  12. Read the hot topics first.
  13. Can you replace the locks with out taking the window out and just leaving it up?
  14. We would lose more if we went on a diet.
  15. Have you removed the card reader?
  16. Like my father always said "measure twice cut once"
  17. This sounds cool Might make a trip
  18. V35_Paul

    Rising Sunday

    This sounds great. Do i bring the Skyline to blend in or stand out in the Soft Top Pajero import with big lift and tyres?
  19. I payed $220 for mine.
  20. Yes i had the same problem. It still hits when turning left when the car is cold. Only just. ( might fix it one day ) They are made for Left hand drive cars. I had mine shaved a little. Try heating the spot up it tuches and hitting with a hammer.
  21. I think you mean the G37. And i think we will only get the G37 Convertible. Plus the other cars but not the G37 coupe/Sedan So we can still import the V35 and V36 Thats what i've heard
  22. There's videos on youtube to show you how to do it
  23. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/365630-questions-from-a-v35-rookie/
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