because i live in another state, i spoke to him for a while, got all his bank details, work numbers and phone numbers. and he generally seemed like a very trust worthy person, but of course he wasnt and im still kicking myself everyday about it, its only 5grand but im a student and it was all my money.
he has sinced cancelled his numbers, stopped replying to any emails, and even changed jobs so i really dont know what to do, I'm sick of this playing on the back of my mind everyday so im taking a long shot and hoping someone will help me out. trust me i know now it was an incredibly stupid thing to do and i am pretty embarrassed about the whole ordeal so sorry if i snapped but ive already beat myself up enough about this.
as another incentive anyone who helps me to tracking him down and getting my money back will get a $1000reward (if i manage to get my cash back).