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Hank Scorpio

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Hank Scorpio last won the day on October 12 2018

Hank Scorpio had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Hank Scorpio

  • Birthday 20/12/1989

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  • Location
    Ye olde apex seal shoppe
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  • Car(s)
    TF YOLOdeo and M998 HMMWV
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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. This week suuuucks, anyone with me?
  2. You thought nobody would post here in all of May, you were wrong.
  3. Annnnnd back at work
  4. It's Friday, Dale isn't at work and I have nobody to email *sobs*
  5. I heard you played the skin flute as well?
  6. Oh! And this weekend it's going to be under 30 degrees, time for some grillin'. What to cook though? What to cook...
  7. Oh, and it looks like Wednesday is Kobe Wagyu day. Awww yissss!
  8. At Dales house! C'monnnnn.
  9. https://www.strutspecialists.com.au/ These guys are the best. Like seriously, not expensive, super nice and super helpful. (It obviously helps that I work at WAs) but I needed bonnet struts for my Century and because they had no listing, they came around, measured it up then got me struts and fkn fitted them for me. You should give them your money, they are the type of business we need to keep here in Perth.
  10. Lunch, probably around 1-2pm
  11. Senae and loinspawn?
  12. And I'll get a weber for #5
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