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About Davidsdh

  • Birthday 12/09/1990

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    R33 SII
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  1. thing is that i know the difference im proving a point to him.
  2. if you want space you shud get a stagia imo even though id rather lose all my extremities.
  3. Haha thanks hanaldo that was basically what I was looking for.
  4. A friend and i are having an argument about 2 cars and which is faster / better handling and generally the better car for what you buy a skyline for. I thought it a good idea to put it to the sau -wa branch. Case in point. R33 Manual 2D V R34 Auto 4D Any opinions? thoughts or confirmations please? sorry if this is the wrong place wasteland or whatever.
  5. dilemma hey i wanted a rex and now i need to sell my baby. hopefully to u unless uve bought that other one come have a look on Tuesday if u want it will be clean...for once.
  6. where there is a will there is a way, money isnt an issue if u want one bad enough i think im in the same boat nice bars btw tom might go steal those >.>
  7. hahaha ecentrix funny looking for sure Car Dirty : Check
  8. I was in front going down west coast, and that cop changed into the right lane so i thought id let him sit there and block him a bit then very late go left up hale, around the golf course and past floreat but he did an illegal turn and got the commie no idea why, i didnt go fast up the hill and the commie was right behind me. They must have seen his rear tyres or ride height or something. All in all a good cruize :bow:
  9. i can back this up i nearly crashed when i saw it lol i was like wtf are you doing? the xtrail parked directly infront of the camera with his parkers on. get last weeks west for those that want to read the article about it.
  10. i think that with the additional countermeasures that are being brought, uhf and radar detectors if the popo try and add their own decals to our rides they aren't gonna be able to do more than 2 without multiplel unmarked cars which are easy to notice and split.
  11. honestly, i cant believe anyone would need it but there are people who do so i made it a bit easier i hope.
  12. you can ride with me as long as you are not too "heavy" any more than 50 kg and your walking
  13. yeah do stuff yourself its cheaper and you actually learn about it, ive made a map that helps to show where city west is for those who have no idea, yes i used paint. no i cant be bothered opening fireworks. yes it has pretty colours. no the uploading thing isnt working. yes you can pm me for it.
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