Plenty of people seem to feel that way, though on these forums specifically maybe not so much, since we don't have many people here to gather opinions from and only a few of us are really training for appearance.
I see what you mean...I highly doubt I'd ever have such problems as that, and should I ever head towards it I can be absolutely certain I'd recognise what's happening rather than miss the problem and think there's nothing wrong.
Dinner last night was going to be 500g steak with a buttload of wedges, but unfortunately I discovered I no longer had wedges in the freezer so I replaced them with some veggies then had a cup of oats with honey for desert lol. f**k it.
I think the only real problem I DO have is that I really can't stand feeling physically bloated or just remotely uneasy in the gut, but this is only caused from certain things. Even if I have 1 tablespoon of organic peanut butter I get this weird feeling in my stomach, like it just doesn't sit right. However I can eat a disgustingly large amount of roast lamb with all the starchy sides followed by a heap of cake or something, and not have this same feeling...though of course I'll be ready to explode by the time I'm done.
It's not like I eat something bad and feel "fat", it's that I eat just a particular food and don't like the way my gut feels lol