Ultimately my goals remain very similar, though more defined and logical (rather than aiming for a bodyweight specifically etc). I moved on from the routine you gave me Birds only due to it feeling too repetitive for me. It was definitely delivering results as an appropriately structured push/pull should, though I just got mentally bored of the same routines. As of recently I took a fairly simple routine from BB.com which I think I've put in this thread before, but you can find it quoted again below for good measure. I've slightly modified it, but only in terms of reps/sets for certain things - bench press for example, where my sets are currently 60kg 12 reps, 80kg 6 reps, 90kg failure (usually 2-4 reps), 80kg failure, 60kg failure. Otherwise the daily structure remains the same. I've got some great strength and physique gains from it so far, and I don't feel as though it will get boring too soon.