Prepare for stalking and eventual harassment.
The next 2 weeks CANNOT GO QUICKLY ENOUGH. I so desperately want to get back into deadlifts, squats, and leg press. It's extremely demotivating right now, I actually have very little interest in going to the gym to hit any kind of pull/back exercise. I serious miss the feeling you get through every muscle in your body from deads.
It's been about 4 weeks since I did them last (which put me out of action big time) and probably 3 weeks prior to that since doing them properly. I'm feeling really good with absolutely no pain in my SIJ since I hit the Voltaren 25s (cheers Tolga), I've had plenty of rest and avoided absolutely anything that puts too much load on it (inclusive of seated rows, which I have been doing with 1 hand and half the weight as a result).
Is it worth giving them another shot now, and obviously going easy (like, 80 - 100kg MAX)? I'm effectively unemployed at the moment so I need not worry about not getting enough sleep to recover, since I really don't need to get up early for any reason short of a job interview.
Thoughts? (yeah yeah yeah, internet advice)