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Everything posted by Trozzle

  1. Buy mine, I really wanna get rid of it to buy a BMX. I just don't use it for what it's designed for anymore.
  2. Thanks heaps for that write up Tolga, very much appreciated! I'll get into it all right away In a twist of irony, I could almost swear I've caused this injury by focussing TOO MUCH on my lower back technique. lol
  3. Yeah in hindsight I should probably start at 60kg 3x10 reps and leave it at that, then next sesh 70kg so on and so forth. I'm just hoping to hear simple thoughts from Tolga or even Markos if I were so lucky given powerlifting (and subsequently related injuries) are what they'd deal with day to day. f**k "professional" opinions, they're always "stop lifting indefinitely coz that's all I can say without risking being sued"
  4. Prepare for stalking and eventual harassment. The next 2 weeks CANNOT GO QUICKLY ENOUGH. I so desperately want to get back into deadlifts, squats, and leg press. It's extremely demotivating right now, I actually have very little interest in going to the gym to hit any kind of pull/back exercise. I serious miss the feeling you get through every muscle in your body from deads. f**k. It's been about 4 weeks since I did them last (which put me out of action big time) and probably 3 weeks prior to that since doing them properly. I'm feeling really good with absolutely no pain in my SIJ since I hit the Voltaren 25s (cheers Tolga), I've had plenty of rest and avoided absolutely anything that puts too much load on it (inclusive of seated rows, which I have been doing with 1 hand and half the weight as a result). Is it worth giving them another shot now, and obviously going easy (like, 80 - 100kg MAX)? I'm effectively unemployed at the moment so I need not worry about not getting enough sleep to recover, since I really don't need to get up early for any reason short of a job interview. Thoughts? (yeah yeah yeah, internet advice)
  5. dafuq is that?
  6. We need to talk.
  7. MacPac or whatever in braddon will sell chalk, same with a place pretty much next door. Anaconda at DFO will also sell it.
  8. This is a good point.
  9. just use straps mate, you'll quickly find the staff having a go at you for using chalk in the gym Otherwise if you're gonna give it a shot, any outdoors adventure style place should have chalk for rockclimbers.
  10. haha, yeah hardstyle definitely has its haters and lovers. I'm a fan of so many different genres, so anything that has a lot of energy in it (read: not mainstream monotonous shit) gets me going. What the hell kinda genre is that? Kinda dig it, but not as motivation personally. Definitely has a place in my tastes though!
  11. Anyone else get super pumped from this stuff?
  12. I bench press and bicep curl. EVERY DAY.
  13. I think he's specifically talking about your average joe kinda deal, where lifting isn't their life. For people like myself, I don't think my body has enough time to recover for me to hit the same muscles the next day.
  14. Think about what boost is, and what determines boost. This leaves you with a handful of possibilities: Leak in intake Faulty BOV Faulty actuator Faulty boost controller Blocked exhaust Then on the unlikely possibility it's the turbo at fault: Faulty waste gate flapper Could also be faulty boost gauge showing wrong when nothing has changed.
  15. Gold. And f**k Tom stop putting attractive girls in your avatar, makes me want to go outside for once.
  16. Shame you're a raging homosexual bro. But you've got my number, feel free to pass it on if you feel like it.
  17. Fair enough ya bum
  18. You trying to start some shit here mate? Don't f**kin talk smack flamin mongrel step up! And get a membership, I'd recommend coming to Anytime in Tuggers with me coz my gym buddy is gay and always goes late now, but that's too far for you hey?
  19. Autotech do I believe.
  20. Yeah Jack is obviously a bit of a unique case, his genetics are obviously near on PERFECT for powerlifting. Normal people don't get that huge and that strong. He's gifted, that's for sure. I'd love to get into competition, but since I ultimately lift weights for appearance reasons, I can't make the time for competition regimes
  21. And actually to add to my above comment, that post makes me want nothing more than professional coaching every session. I want PTC Frankston in Canberra. f**k.
  22. Those figures are just obscene.
  23. f**k Jack is a monster.
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