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Everything posted by Trozzle

  1. Why is there no carbs in my photo? lol coz the wholemeal penne was still in its packet. Red+green capsicum still count as carbs in a way though, yeah? There's also mushrooms off to the side and plenty of onion.
  2. doingitright.jpg?
  3. bahahaha I went to bed like 2:30, not as late as I dare say Matty and his mates did. Plus naturally I wasn't drinking Asian dude was Tony (I think). One of Matty's mates. First time I've seen him.
  4. In before R34 GT-T weighs the most lol
  5. Changed my mind. I'm desperately owing my body sleep as a result of more frequent back cramps lately....le sigh
  6. I think I really muffed up wording with things....breakfast has remained the same (oats and shake), I've added a normal size meal after this, then a banana which I didn't have before, then lunch is healthier and slightly larger, then another shake later in the arvo that I would occasionally get in, then another banana. Then post-gym my dinner is more or less the same, maybe slightly larger and more consistent content, then if it isn't too late I'll have a bowl of cereal. Finally I'll have a protein shake sitting on my desk ready to go. Given my f**ked back and increased water intake I'm not used to, I will often wake up randomly through the night...if I wake up around the 3 - 4am timeframe, I'll sink the shake. If I sleep the whole night, even better.
  7. haha, There is only about 15mm of rice in the bottom of these containers of food I've been eating past 2 days I get what you're saying, and yeah like everyone else I simply wasn't eating enough. My intake of food each day lately has been absolutely pathetic, so by me doubling it it really hasn't increased on a HUGE scale. I'll do some proper calorie counting like you've suggested though and see how much I'm eating each day...I don't think it will be more than 3500cal though at a very rough guess. Why is it you say I can't expect it to continue? Second day in and I actually feel fine already. Ate the same amount of crap at the same time today as I did yesterday (actually, slightly more oats this morning) and I feel fine right now. If you mean I'll get sick of eating the same thing, that's fair - I intend to swap it up to some red meat and salads as well after this weekend when I get a chance to prepare things again. If you mean financially which I don't think you do, then nah that's fine as well. My initial goals were actually really ignorant in hindsight. Now I have no set goal other than to get to a point where I'm satisfied with my appearance (not that I'm NOT, you know what I mean). If this means 80kg, fine. If it means 85kg...then so be it. I don't want to do what I did previously and set a weight/BF% goal since that isn't a REAL goal with regards to my reason for lifting. I could look like shit at any given weight, so what was the point of achieving that goal if I don't like the results? For now I'm just going to continue eating more (I'll play this by ear while also taking your advice into consideration, I'm no longer in any rush), lifting more, and enjoying myself like I am. I feel good (emotionally) with how I am now, improvements from here on are bonuses. 4kg in 8 months is actually surprising if you knew how little and inconsistently I was eating Thanks for the advice as usual though. I'll definitely be adding the milk to each meal if I can farken find space in the POS work fridge to store it
  8. Yeah I've used one of them before... Epic pain haha
  9. That's a pretty good result man, good to drive?
  10. hahaha yeah both posts above make sense. I'm not sure how I *should* go about this, so really just gonna trial and error this shit haha. Figure as long as I'm eating more than maintenance then I'm gonna gain in some way (which it seems I was routinely more or less spot on maintenance as my weight never changed enough to conclude anything).
  11. hahaha yes though I'd say about 500rpm more than what you suggested. 2nd - 5th are all pretty long gears, and I've found there's really no need to wind it past 3000rpm in any gear.
  12. So as of today (inclusive) I'll be doing my best to double my intake of good calories (more chicken, brown rice, and veges). First things I've noticed is that even after spacing meals out to around to 2.5 hour mark, my third meal of the day was a fair struggle towards the end hahaha. I'm not talking snack meals either - I had a large bowl of oats first up in the morning immediately followed by a WPI shake w/ water (out of milk damnit), then I had 2x 1L containers about 75% full of brown rice, chicken breast, bacon (with near on no fat), onion, peas and carrot. The second container was the killer haha. I unfortunately also rediscovered why I stopped eating after 1pm - I hit failure VERY quickly due to muscle fatigue (lack of blood flow due to digestion). Weight didn't particularly drop, though reps certainly did. Still feel good, but thinking I might need to swap things up a bit and start hitting the gym first thing in the morning before work instead of afternoon
  13. Docile every-day driving I usually change around 4000rpm, but the few select sections in this every day driving I give it what for as I would on a weekend - ~7000rpm shifts, not letting revs drop below 3500. hahaha though this is rare
  14. When it stops making power? hahaha at 300rwkw, I stop changing gears by the RPM, kinda have to play it by ear....literally. Far too focussed on the road.
  15. Spotted the shitbox R31 (FJ720) on Anketell this morning, gave a wave from my seat at Brewbar
  16. Spotted GTR-R35 in Tuggers just earlier.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQRbBxp7iCE
  18. a 2J. in the back, over the rear wheels. Then make it RWD. Do wheelies to work.
  19. hahaha Zeb perhaps I should CF vinyl the black plastic strips down the sides of the car....oh god I could have so much fun dicking around with vinyl wrap on this thing.
  20. The R33 needs a fair bit of TLC on the outside unfortunately, front bumper needs slight repairs and overall needs a complete respray otherwise mechanically she's pretty sweet and in good working order (albeit unregistered lul) Yeah the orange isn't completely horrible, little better than the plain old white/grey colours vans usually are. I gotta get me an SAU sticker off Shell for the rear window though! Black vinyl GT stripes would be pretty sick hahahaha, I'd totally do it.
  21. Yep, that's the one looks like shit huh? hahaha Also for the record, I own that van....hahaha yes, I'm THAT lame. I bought a bright orange van.
  22. Yeah there's no way we're on the same page here... 11cm really doesn't sound right, that's thinner than my wrist. Measurements such as biceps are circumference - ie the distance around the limb, easiest to measure with a string.
  23. lol for waist measurement, do you mean 31.7 INCHES? haha Same for arms I think. And neck. lol
  24. Heard this evening that allegedly the ban has been passed on here. Must be the 1,3 dimeth causing the ban, or maybe the ludicrous amounts of caffeine. hahahaha
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