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Everything posted by Trozzle

  1. While I'm firmly against the ridiculous overblown FAD (which it's nothing more than) against gluten we're seeing in recent years, and a firm believer that unless you've been diagnosed with gluten intolerance cutting it out is completely unnecessary and you're a FOTM hipster faggot, I will attest that even though I don't have any medical intolerance to gluten, I still get a bit of bloating from eating wheat based products particularly of the refined-to-all-f**k variety like bleached white flour. That being said, this bloating is likely nothing to do with gluten. or very little, and is just minor irritation from excessive amounts of fluids being pulled through my GI tract (this is just speculation though). EDIT: LOL I forgot about the mad word filters on SAU.
  2. Might've spotted Kat this morning on Fairbairn/Pialligo ave going past BDP, through the roundabout closest to Fairbairn park. Maybe. lol
  3. I've manipulated my diet enough times in search of the cause that it might as well just be "food in general". Though I've cut out lactose (except in my WPC, which I won't consume until later in the arvo) with appreciable affect so far. Saw chiro last week, got some more xrays done....wouldn't be surprised if it's nerve issues given the misalignment of my lumbar (among other parts like my neck lol). I have perfect case example posture, until you look at an xray and see how f**ked everything is lol. It's more than simple bloating too. It's like you hit a certain spot in my GI tract and motility drops to nearly 0. Shit halts, literally, and not due to what I'm eating.
  4. you'd be surprised how much volume there was in the sweet potato. Should've gone rice lol
  5. Problem with my f**king piece of shit body lately though, is if I eat enough food, I feel f**king terribly bloated most of the time, and have absolutely zero interest in lifting for some while after. It'll be a miracle if I continue my session from lunchtime today after eating so much. Catch f**king 22.
  6. Got through all 3 of my meals 3x 100g chikkun, 80g sweet potato, spinach, and feta (cooked weights). On top of that obscene baconegg roll. Jeebus.
  7. Wondering if I can make it through the rest of the meals I packed today now that I just gave in and got myself a baconegg roll....doesn't help the chef at the cafe seems to like giving me more than he should lol. 2 eggs and WAY more than a single rasher of bacon. Fuark.
  8. hahaha, but then they leave themselves open to making grossly misleading and false accusations when not one single sample sent in fails to return claimed protein content....including the one(s) previously confirmed to be lying. lol.
  9. I too did the milk thing shortly after getting into lifting, when I was still fairly scrawny with only marginally more muscle mass than average. No less than 1L of full cream milk per day, up to 2L, on top of plenty of food. PLENTY. Did not become skinnyfat. Put on fat, yes, but substantially more muscle mass, and only the "expected" amount of fat from a somewhat YOLO bulk. Inb4 whatever you want to blame for my result. IIRC, you weren't even required to label them with that info (anything eluding to brand), which means you could do exactly as you did - send them their own product without them knowing. They knew this could happen, which says a lot for their legitimacy. Nothing to hide, and you proved it Tolga. Also I believe MusclePharm were called out recently, though the news article I read on it was full of holes and sensationalism lol
  10. Coffee and chocolate are the safest imo, unless you don't like coffee lol
  11. That's fair - as long as you've done more than simply switch brands while retaining the same product (ie sticking with WPI but going from BN to say Ultimate Nutrition - that's where my confusion and ergo my wtf point was). However I can also say that if I had consistent (somewhat) illogical issues as bad as involuntary purging with a particular brand's product, and switching to another brand completely removed the issue, I'd likely ignore the price increase too. That, or I'd find a way to just go without that supp. Personally, I just don't think mixability or to a lesser extent the taste of a particular product is enough to switch to a more expensive brand. If flavour was that much of an issue with ALL flavours from a particular brand....well, I'd try to stop being such an overly picky sonofabitch
  12. I'd still argue my point that switching brands shouldn't make any difference whatsoever (assuming you buy the same product - ie WPC or WPI) since the only things that should differ between two products claiming to be "100% WPI" is what they use to give it flavour and sweetness, and therefore I'd be concerned I have a possible intolerance to it. Seemingly, I too have slowly but surely developed a potential lactose intolerance though it's too inconsistent to place blame in any one thing I consume regularly, particularly since my issue has almost entirely vanished from switching to lactose free milk (or that evil phytoestogen ridden soy shit when it's not available) without avoiding WPC. Might even be caffeine related in my instance I read the article, well most of it. It's a fairly well established "chain" of sorts, as they apparently run multiple bootcamps in a few locations....so I'm thinking the point here is ENTIRELY to do with this woman being an oblivious, incompetent, OPPORTUNISTIC parasite on society. I hope her suit fails big time, and she's left with nothing but a fallout of horribly bad publicity with everyone knowing her name and how much of a f**king moron loser she is. Probably the same kind of dumbass mole that would try to blame anything and everything but her own lack of self control and self-inflicted ignorance for her obesity and subsequent health problems.
  13. Legitimacy arguable. IIRC the failure of testing wasn't necessarily to do with BN, but a heap of f**king around finding and contacting the proposed testing facility? IDK. Bringing up a range of their products after consumption would be a huge concern of mine, and not specifically directed at their product line but more a concern about what the hell is wrong with my body for it to purge. Possible allergy to whatever they use for flavouring would be the only thing I could think of, since otherwise you're going to encounter the same issue with any other company's product as I'd think flavouring and sweetener are the only things that should EVER differ between two products claiming to be the same thing (like WHEY PROTEIN). I've never encountered a protein powder that didn't mix properly with water. Milk, yes - just about everything I've ever mixed with milk clumped. Personally I almost like the clumps lol. If I hated all their flavours, then yes. However I actually only DISLIKE their vanilla flavour protein specifically when mixed in water....and even then, I'd still stick with it when I consider the cost difference of going with another brand. The only time I've come across another whey product (in a retail outlet, I should specify) that matched BN's price per kilo was when I've found Ultimate Nutrition Prostar Whey on sale....and there is absolutely NO way that product is legitimate in its claims of ingredients and nutrient breakdown. It tasted great, but holy f**king shit did it cause the most obscenely horrific smelling unrelenting gas. Not even joking, I would now only ever purchase it again for the sole purpose of gassing whatever building(s) I found myself in that day hahahaha. And yes I've raved about how much I like their flavours. I'm not sure of your point. If I whinged about one and used it to justify my purchase of another more expensive brand then I'd see your point.
  14. *haven't read article at time of this post, so don't know details/accuracy* MY f**kING GOD. SOME PEOPLE. Someone seriously f**king shoot the bitch. I hope she gets enough undesired publicity to ruin her life beyond recovery. That being said, why the f**k has the stupid trainer left himself open to this situation? Don't you have limited liability release contracts and/or insurance when running such a business? Or did the moron just decide to forgo all that...
  15. Holy shit this thread takes off sometimes lol This. And Bulk Nutrients. lol. Like I've said in my rants previously - if you're honestly prepared to spend MORE money on the same product when BN is fantastic quality and 100% legit, all because of taste....then be my guest - it's your purse, love I'm almost inclined to suggest that if you're torn between protein powders over concern for their flavour rather than the quality of the product, you should probably reconsider whether lifting is really for you or not. Like with the raw eggs, you won't give a f**k when it comes to gains. Sacrificing potential gains (or money) just to avoid getting your blouse in a bunch over the taste ain't what men do.
  16. Fanks lovely Leesh!
  17. Have set myself a new PB for deadllifts last 2 sessions managed 185kg x2 last sesh, and now 190kg x2 just earlier over lunch, weighing in at 75kg. I know it's nothing spectacular, especially by some standards in this thread, but I'm still happy considering how frequently deadlifts have landed me crippled on the sidelines lol
  18. lol, few years yet. We ain't in no rush at allllllllllll well, that's a lie - like far too many girls these days, Kerry has been struck with the effective biological deadline, give or take but aside from that, no rush lol
  19. Spotted a silver M35 Stagea out the front of Brodburger in Kingston yesterday, sporting TWO parking fines on the windshield.....would not be cheap lol Also spotted a silver M34 Autech just now parked near my work in Bruce. Looks stock as a rock, no SAU stickers
  20. hahahahahaha oh I can so totally see that being me when I've got kids maybe not that beast though, lol
  21. The irony of requiring inspection report to obtain the UVP which you require in order to transport your vehicle to the workshop providing the inspection report. More than a catch 22...it's a f**king endless loop lol
  22. Last time I went spastic on food I blew up quickly enough I was questioned about using gear, lol. That's just what happens when you restrict your carb intake most days so it becomes normal, then all of a sudden slam the f**k out of them hahaha. SO MUCH WATER RETENTION OMG. Also know the downsides of eating a huge volume of food (not so much high cal intake, but just a lot of food for my digestive system to process). Got some potential digestive issues now....possibly lactose intolerance, which wouldn't necessarily have anything to do with the volume though.
  23. hahaha yep, gotta love them Viking genes Short esters.....or NO ester expensive, but would be much easier when it comes to testing.
  24. hahahahaha yeah. Natty. lol. f**k off. That first pic showing his legs makes his physique MUCH more desirable imo. Actually looks strong, rather than clinging to consciousness while your body demands you just go to sleep coz you've run yourself that hard into the ground prepping for the stage lol
  25. ^^^ especially when you consider what his ratio of upper body mass to lower body mass would be, given he's not a "bodybuilder" but more a "fitness model". His legs probably aren't anything spectacular...so can you manage that much lean mass on your upper body without AAS
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