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Everything posted by Trozzle

  1. Yeah (well, how slim are we talking?). I got my plates remade in "purple" (more like blue, f**kers) slimline. It appears that only one of them is actually "slim" though. It was slim enough to fit on the bottom lip of my front bar and not overhang
  2. Check all the intake piping between the turbo and plenum for a leak.
  3. Likely about 4:30
  4. This is definitely still available. The guy I sorta had lined up knew the landlords, and the landlords for some odd reason didn't like the idea of him being on a lease due to conflict of interest?? I dunno, but Karl if you're keen (PM sent anyway) I'd be looking to get a 6 month lease to start with. I don't think there's a single thing you'd get sick of about living with me, so if the location and price are good then get on in!!
  5. Nah mate, I haven't met you since the day I got the Defqon tickets of you.
  6. Sin, do you think you'd be able to grab mine off Mick? I won't be able to make it out, and figures you still live southside so might as well meet up and grab it off you, while also getting you the bourbon(s) I've owed you for some time now
  7. Sorry Mick, any word?
  8. Not a stupid question, though perhaps if you don't get a decent answer in here you should try the Costmetic section
  9. Saw you this arvo headed into tuggers as I was walking back from the gym (near the pool etc)
  10. Well I just shot myself in the foot... Went snowboarding yesterday (was gonna be a 2 day thing, today as well) and ended up almost breaking my neck. Launched over a rise wrong, spearing myself into the ground face-first at probably around a 45deg angle. Head dug into the snow (made a hole about 50cm long and 30cm deep) until coming to a stop, at which point my body rolled over my head - pressing my face down towards my chest. Thankfully it's only gone and pulled all the muscles across my back, so I'll likely be fine in a day or 2....but f**k me...it hurt like you wouldn't believe (unless you've broken your neck/back before ) Now to catch up on all the sleep I didn't get last night coz it was impossible to be comfortable.
  11. PM me too please, will have to organise something with you
  12. I'll be on my way to the snow tonight, otherwise I'd have been keen
  13. And I'll consider pulling my turbo off myself again!
  14. Nah, not going THAT far. Just inside the national park - Sawpit Creek I think it's called. Won't require clearing any snow, though there will likely be a small layer of the stuff down.
  15. 2 days of snowboarding this weekend, should make up for leg exercises for a while.... Though I'm so NOT KEEN on the part where I'll be CAMPING IN A TENT Friday and Saturday night, just inside the national park (so likely on top of some snow)
  16. My BN WPI can shake for 5 seconds and be completely mixed. Your move
  17. Nah sorry I doubt the landlords would be keen, not to mention the yard is kinda meh - there's 2 houses on the one block so it's no more than a courtyard
  18. HURR DURR just got told the landlords want to increase rent to $430/week - though if I stay there and enter a new lease they'll only $420/week....therefore this advertisement needs to be amended - it is now $210/week for the room $10 is fark all anyway haha
  19. orly? Be quick about it mang, I've already had a bite from a dude at work (no idea who he is though) and he seems pretty damn keen. Would rather someone from here though, especially since this fella is mid 40's and with his son. You have to be like reliable though, you'll preferably be signing a new lease if you're up for a long term thing...(potential deal breaker for you if you aren't keen on that)
  20. Now you can EAT it!
  21. You can if you REALLY want to Shell, I'm sure we could put up with you... (please please please hahahaha)
  22. Hey guys, my housemate will be moving out at the end of the lease (about 19th next month) and I would like to continue living in the same place, so I'm gonna try finding someone to replace them first. Below is the copy+paste advert I did for my work's bulletin board... First off though, something no doubt more important to anyone reading here: You are able to park your car out of sight behind the gate. Unfortunately this little "carport" area doesn't have any cover though. Tell your friends too, no questionable folk (James), scary folk (SiN) or Shell. KIDDING
  23. They don't do 2kg bags, my 5kg came in 5x 1kg bags. All good though, one of them lives in my drawer at work, one on shelf at home, and 3 in the box waiting.
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