While yeah, it's effectively an RC given it's new and has no research conducted on it, I don't think it's right the way everyone just jumps on the "zomg it's deadly!!11!" bandwagon. It's similar to DMAA, yes, though DMAA was never found to be the direct cause of death in the widely publicised cases regarding it (stupid kid in NZ and the 2 US [i think] soldiers). It was almost immediately ruled out in the coronary report for the soldiers, and the kid in NZ had (from memory) 5 times the 'supplemental' dose in his system, along with an undisclosed amount of caffeine and alcohol.
Not at all saying it's safe, coz I mean at the end of the day it's still a stimulant and even if it is 'safe' it's still putting unnecessary strain on your body. But the claims of all these horrific health risks (which you're seemingly guaranteed to suffer should you even consider touching the stuff) are unfounded and misleading, imo.
ASADA would likely ban something based on the fact it's at least supposedly a PED; not necessarily because it's harmful (though definitely a factor, of course).