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Everything posted by Trozzle

  2. While yeah, it's effectively an RC given it's new and has no research conducted on it, I don't think it's right the way everyone just jumps on the "zomg it's deadly!!11!" bandwagon. It's similar to DMAA, yes, though DMAA was never found to be the direct cause of death in the widely publicised cases regarding it (stupid kid in NZ and the 2 US [i think] soldiers). It was almost immediately ruled out in the coronary report for the soldiers, and the kid in NZ had (from memory) 5 times the 'supplemental' dose in his system, along with an undisclosed amount of caffeine and alcohol. Not at all saying it's safe, coz I mean at the end of the day it's still a stimulant and even if it is 'safe' it's still putting unnecessary strain on your body. But the claims of all these horrific health risks (which you're seemingly guaranteed to suffer should you even consider touching the stuff) are unfounded and misleading, imo. ASADA would likely ban something based on the fact it's at least supposedly a PED; not necessarily because it's harmful (though definitely a factor, of course).
  3. What on earth ingredient are you talking about? o.O AMP citrate? Or caffeine? coz you know, it could potentially do the same thing if your number came up. Beta-alanine causes the itchy/tingly face/scale/hands. It's not dangerous.
  4. Eyelids for the R arrived yesterday can't really put them on til it stops fkn raining though
  5. Only wore it for you, bebe <3 hahaha nah wasn't me...I'm smarter than to do that after midday
  6. Silvo did the job for mine. Lasted a while too
  7. I notice decent results with an exercise I'll loosely term "1-handed standing dumbbell flies". Standing (obviously) with just a single dumbbell in one hand (right hand for this example), have the dumbbell resting beside your right hip, elbow slightly bent. Raise dumbbell across your chest until it's in front and above/in line with your left shoulder, pinching your right pec in the final stage of the movement, then lower back to starting position. Ensure not to bend your elbow through the movement. I've found this exercise hits the upper most fibres of the pec, though still predominantly works anterior delts.
  8. Carbon eyelids on the way for the R. Gonna spray the badges matte black too when they arrive. It begins
  9. ooooo yes the ZX10R....what a spastic bike lol. I honestly have no idea what practical use that monster has on public roads
  10. Spotted again this morning Buy my CBR haha
  11. Weather forecasts a few days in advance are inaccurate as fuark these days...2 weeks ahead? lulz
  12. heh fair enough! Caddy's goooooone now, so it's just the white R (and the CBR once I've got a few things out of the way )
  13. Just woke up from an unplanned arvo nap...ugh
  14. Verms in the Stagea driving past the airport this morning. I was heading the opposite direction between the 2 roundabouts past the office park. Gave a wave but I doubt you'd notice some clown in a white Golf
  15. Well, technically you're right - SG Fleet have my car hahaha
  16. Good, coz I'll be disappointed if I don't get to keep your bucket after leaving it for dead OH NO HE DIDN'T
  17. Hai2u Humbla
  18. Hey hey Tom, welcome to ACT! Meets will start getting more frequent now the weather's quite nice. I'll definitely be getting my ass out and about in the R, though likely not this Friday unfortunately
  19. hahaha couldn't really be stuffed tbh, bit busy with work and preparing for holiday next week
  20. So I just discovered that while www.skylinesaustralia.com is blocked by my proxy....the new sau.com.au URL is not. This will only end badly. Posted from da werk PC.
  21. Every fkn skyline I spot these days is owned by some ratty looking teenage f**k who doesn't wave (don't give a fark if I'm not in a skyline myself lol)
  22. Spam? Personally, I prefer food
  23. $7500 ono, or $7k flat for SAU peeps
  24. I just sip BCAAs all day
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