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Everything posted by Trozzle

  1. Yeah what Sam said...though if they glance at the exhaust and it looks obviously loud, expect them to look for the plate lol
  2. on standard internals? fark me.
  3. If R33's exhaust is teh same, you could try PMing user gtrgsxr - he's got a 33 GTR and it's nice n quiet, I think it's like 2.5" with a huge oval muffler and twin exit. If he doesn't reply, PM me and I'll harass him myself I'm sure he won't mind too much having part of his exhaust stolen for a day
  5. OP, there's a difference between "made in China" and "China spec shit" That's all that matters. As long as it wasn't developed and designed in China, then it's all good. Hell, even then you're not ALWAYS getting a piece of shit..
  6. farken hotcakes these are....
  7. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/352548-worlds-greatest-shave/ SPONSOR MEH!
  8. I have 5x JJR coilpacks and 1x standard coilpack all working fine when I removed them. (reason for 1 of the JRR coils being removed is it was physically damaged zzzzz). Let me know if you want them (don't forget above poster offered his stuff first )
  9. No chance of it being fuel pump related? Might be ECU being ghey with the pump and it leaning out = high idle?
  10. how much power was this making at the wheels?
  11. yeah....internally....
  12. Yeah man, but only coz I could smell that dirty Supra coming!
  13. umm tuggers area somewhere lol
  14. SOOOOOO BORED!!!!! I wanna go for a drive damnit!
  15. Spotted Nattett just before 4 headed down Anketell strip in tuggers.
  16. Spotted someone in a black skyline this arvo, don't think it's anyone who'd be a forum goer - more appeared as a douche, but get's respect for giving a nice smile and wave back.
  17. God damnit! Whatever that is, it's going to have to wait until I'm home to see it stupid work proxy bullshit.
  18. oooo sexy cover there Dallas
  19. BUMP still got injectors, coilpacks and BOV
  20. Be thankful he didn't tell you how retarded you REALLY are. http://www.google.com.au/search?q=vipec&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a $20 says you didn't search google for "vipec", even without the dash. Lighten up and perhaps be thankful he even took the time to reply to something so silly.
  21. But sorry, I must say....that plenum is hideous lol
  22. Sorry guys I completely forgot to update lol... Did what Eiji has done and worked out how to remove the rear seat "arm rest" thingy, then push the dint out from the inside. Worked a treat, just took me forever to work out how to fit the damned thing back in place Thanks for the suggestions guys! Now I just need to get rid of the scuff marks...but that can wait.
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