When riding the clutch, particularly up my driveway, it will frequently begin to make a horrid grinding/drilling sound. I've noticed that if I push the clutch in, then attempt to go again, it just starts making the sound immediately once more. The only thing that will stop it from happening when I try to move again is if I let the clutch out for a few seconds in neutral. It also will occasionally (depending how long I allow it to make the sound) give off a strong burning metal smell....similar to an actually clutch smell, but distinctly not.
Also, recently there will be a very faint chirping/circulating squeak sound coming from the clutch area when idling in neutral, which disappears with even the *SLIGHTEST* touch of the clutch pedal...
Could this indicate a problem with my thrust bearing? The clutch is only about a year old, and has only done just under 20,000kms. I have only ridden it twice at about 3,000rpm for a second or two by accident, trying to get out of stupid traffic...though this smell is different to the above one. Otherwise, I am very easy going on the clutch itself, particularly changing gears. I wouldn't expect it to be damaged from use or worn out, which is why I don't think it's the cause.
The clutch is an Exceedy (I think heavy duty) organic