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Everything posted by Trozzle

  1. I do. Just noticed I got a shout out. YEAH BOY! <3 I'll be sure to drop yo name at least 10 times in my 10,000th post hahaha
  2. Reckon I can hit 10k by end of week?
  3. f**ken poofta aye m8
  4. How am I supposed to send selfies to all da bishes in less than 5 minutes? That's crazy talk mang.
  5. That may have been the car, just without post-prod effects etc. Was a completely different setting too. Either way. Sex.
  6. nah, had it as my desktop background back in '09 when they first came out. Wherever I came across the picture, it was at the time that respraying an R35 was a ridiculous idea for anyone to undertake as they were so new haha
  7. This. I've seen an aftermarket respray of a much more vivid red too, and it blew me the f**k away. Not even in person either, was just a photo. I don't think I could handle seeing it IRL. Would definitely need to bring a towel.
  8. I think this post hit the nail on the head and explained it perfectly I've used this method on a mate before lol. Tell them it's X weight, when in fact it's Y. They know they can lift X, but they're sure they can't lift Y (hence they've never managed it before). Nek minnit they bust out Y like it's nothing. The look on their face when you tell them they just pulled off what they were positive they couldn't is hilarious. I'm mentally weak a lot of the time, and I think this is where a training partner is a massive assistance just by being there.
  9. The f**k is he on a HCG diet for? lol has someone been on the juice...
  10. Isn't fish oil just fats, as far as simple macros go? Not discrediting how much some people seem to benefit from it, but the calorie burning concept seems similar to the "eat celery to burn calories" bullshit haha
  12. Is it the point where quite simply put, the muscles you're pushing just switch off? As I've only pushed to what I'd consider absolute failure once or twice, and as an example one of these occasions was dumbbell press - the point at which I failed, my left arm was going to absolute jelly, shaking like crazy etc etc, then after what seemed like a lifetime (probably a few seconds of barely moving up, but not going down), it felt as though my arm just switched off and went limp, causing me to bounce the 34kg DB off my chest lol Is that absolute failure? I mean, as far as I'm concerned without proper mental training there was no way I was completing that rep.
  13. I take my sweet ass time coz I'm a big f**king girl. Also Dan I dare say it depends on how many reps/sets you're aiming for, but regardless of whether it's 10x3 or 5x5 - whatever the max weight you can manage those reps and sets at would be your working weight. Which you WILL increase next session. Failing that, you know what to do (more reps or another set )
  14. Since you pointed out the whole MORE thing, I now completely understand why any sets at lighter weight prior to your working sets are a waste of time. I like to do one set at a fairly bitch weight just to see if there's any joint/muscle issues before I push out the working set, but only now do I truly realise that anything short of your working weight is doing nothing but burning calories (unless you push to ridiculous failure reps or something). It won't be promoting any kind of growth since it's not MORE. IMO (as per your example Markos) - 60x 5-8; then 80x 5,5,5,3,3,etc to however many you wanna go lol. But no point wasting energy on the initial sets, since it's just calories that could've been put towards pushing MORE than last session.
  15. Who needs a functional spine when you've got lats and traps coming out the yin yang
  16. I had SIJ issues CAUSED by deadlifts (well, more likely bad form and bad ROM through hips...but still )
  17. Haha nah sorry that was aimed at leesh. It's a joke anyway lol, stemmed from my discovery that the "best" thing for all the horrid cramping I get around my thoracic spine is deadlifts
  18. Contrary to the usual advice of "squats", in this situation I would recommend deadlifts.
  19. Fix my shoulder kunt! There's the wristy of a lifetime* in it for ya! *not really lol
  20. This. lol. And incline leg press (plate loaded). Got up to 360kg for my working sets, so at least I wasn't being a bitch on the thing. Looks like my ROM issue through my shoulders wasn't quite as bad as I thought, since it was pointed out I had the bar way too low anyway haha...so now that I'm resting it in a more appropriate position as well as stretching my chest/shoulders/etc beforehand, I can do barbell squats again.....my traps are f**king obliterated though, not used to having weight resting on them >.< will get used to that though. Best part is 100kg feels like nothing! (inb4 that asshat Markos pointing out 100kg IS nothing ). Should be back up to a more appropriate weight in no time. Will increase 5-10kg for the next couple of sessions, then 2.5kg every session without fail from then on.
  21. Combine ALL of the drugs. But honestly while I can't really see it being a problem, Google it and speak to a doc just to be sure
  22. f**k that. I only did proper barbell squats yesterday for the first time since around January lol...don't wanna die too quickly
  23. Phenibut > GABA, and of the taste alone isn't enough to stop you from abusing the stuff then God help you
  24. oh dear, the clutch at straws brigade is here.
  25. For the record, this product does not contain magnesium - it's zinc, manganese, and B6. Still just over $7 for 100 pills which ain't bad, just grab some magnesium on the side and you're set.
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