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Everything posted by Trozzle

  1. It feels like my rear delts are tearing when I support the bar, regardless of how far apart my grip is it's definitely a lack of stretching to blame, just weird how it's never been this way before lol. Oh well. Also managed a new 1RM for bench of 110kg. 120kg is way closer than I expected
  2. Wide grip pull ups, pendlay rows, deadlifts (only when back day falls on a weekend), seated row (close and wide grip handles), face pulls, shrugs, lat/rear delt dumbbell flies, and other random shit. I don't do ALL these in the same session, usually try to alternate between some of them every other session. Most exercises are supersets too. I put more effort into my back sessions than chest sessions, mostly due to rarely deadlifting lately.
  3. I can definitely attest to the fact that a massively increased food intake will ramp your lifts up more than you can imagine (unless of course you're already eating buttloads)....just a shame that a large deficit will have the opposite effect all my lifts have either plateaued or gone backwards a tiny bit....oh well, will be back on the steady "bulk" again myself after this coming weekend, aiming for 120kg 1RM bench or 110kg for at least 5 reps by mid August. Hell, will probably pull it off by the end of next week lol...can manage 5 reps of 100kg bench as it is on my horrid deficit. Recently when I've gone to give squats another shot (after giving them up thanks to lower back bullshit and not caring enough), I've discovered I can't actually hold the bar any more due to a massively decreased ROM in my shoulders....wtf?! I mean I don't stretch, and know I should....but I've NEVER stretched and haven't copped this before looks like I'm in need of some ROM rehab haha
  4. Yeah, that was actually a pretty poor troll attempt. Calling me out on my bike, which is actually a pretty damn decent sports bike as it is lol. If you're just trolling, well done. If you're being serious and somehow deluded into thinking you're funny and making good calls, you best climb out of the hole you're digging while you can still reach the surface.
  5. I...I don't even know what this is trying to say lol Translator anyone?
  6. Awkward moment when I clutch at straws frantically just so I can make the next "awkward moment when" post, only to look like a twat.
  7. Awkward moment when nobody gives a shit about your opinion because you're nobody.
  9. lol damnit, this response was way too nice....I can't be a cold dickhead any more. There's plenty of discussion on form etc through the past pages in this thread, though your best bet would be to watch some instructional videos on youb00b. I suggest searching youtube for "Rippetoe deadlift form" and finding the instructional video from Mark where he not only demonstrates the "correct" form but also talks you through each part of the movement with diagrams and shit
  10. Ask Google, at least it will give you an answer.
  11. Squats and deadlifts.
  12. Common misconception that twin turbo is somehow better than single turbo by default. There's no REAL reason why having 2 turbos will outperform 1 just because
  13. bahahaha nice
  14. Yeah, this. lol.
  15. Don't make my head explode....don't do it man
  16. That's what I like the most about BN products - they're really no-bullshit-get-what-you-see kinda deals. No flashy advertising, no bullshit additives with ludicrous claims.
  17. Neither, given I paid like $5 for more than I know what to do with LOL
  18. Also what I thought heh
  19. I thought you had LOW test, Leesh? *confused*
  20. Maybe I want to be punished. LOL.
  21. RL lacks Thunderfury. I am disappoint.
  22. Headaches aren't bad most of the time, just irritating. Migraines are f**ked though, thankfully I've only ever experienced one truly unbearable migraine which actually had me laughing deliriously rofl. Custer headaches are supposed to be the real deal though lol, can't even imagine a pain so bad you'd consider doing literally anything to rid it. I take the cake here with my stroke though
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