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Everything posted by Trozzle

  1. Inb4 Tolga "Squats cure colds"
  2. This has come up before, though not really a big discussion. Personally, it depends how bad the cold is. I don't really get nasty symptoms, just drowsiness and a stuffed nose. If this is the case, I'll still go but will FAR from push normal weight/reps. Just take it easy, since ultimately you want to get well ASAP and a combination of strenuous exercise and being in an unhygienic environment like a gym is no way to go about it. If I feel like a bag of shit, I won't go. I don't like not going, but hey it's necessary.
  3. awww yeah....bring it on (even though technically even I will be over 100kg LOL)
  4. Yeah f**k that, I'd struggle with anything more than 55kg. For one rep.
  5. haha thanks Leesh! Why weighted? haha. If it's a set increase in weight, I'll still do awesome. PB from what I can remember was 10 reps @ +35kg
  6. Dick. haha. I'll give it a shot tonight, but given how I feel right now I'm not sure it'll go too well deadlifts are first up though, so who knows. Unfortunately I know I can't WIN this round given I couldn't match Joey's effort, however bodyweight considered I'll do pretty damn well.
  7. Next challenge should definitely be bodyweight dips lol, I think I'll do quite well in that one.
  8. I'll take your word for it, will give peanut butter a miss for a little bit...see if I stop feeling like shit. I still feel sick in the gut, like constant gurgling that isn't in my stomach lol. I'll remedy it with some sqauts.
  9. The trollz are out in force this morning.
  10. 1.5BW was just a suggestion (which for me comes to 109.5kg anyway). It was more to even the playing field. Perhaps work out what ratio of bodyweight the 100kg reps were for Joey and then apply that to everyone.
  11. Still wanna know what your reasoning behind Macro peanut butter being a big "NO"
  12. Now you can whore it up in the NSW member's section threads with the rest of us!
  13. OK now that I go to Sanitarium's website and look at their "natural" peanut butter, I see that it's also 100% peanuts with no added salt or sugar....I was confused given that they have a different product that is CLEARLY LABELLED "No added sugar or salt", leading me to believe that since what he linked wasn't clearly labelled as such also, it must have them added. Now the only argument would be price, which I dare say Sanitarium is probably cheaper.
  14. I can't read that post dude.
  15. Still shouldn't be applicable, even if the macro one has more calories/carbs/whatever....it can't have more salt considering it has NONE added. The only way the macro one could have more calories/carbs/whatever is if the Sanitarium one is being watered down....so my question remains, why the hell is it better than something that's purer? TOLGA YOU BEST BE TROLLING ME BRO
  16. Please explain your reasoning, other than cost. The sanitarium shit still has added salt and/or sugar. The macro stuff does not, and is only peanuts. I cannot fathom why you suggest something with additives over something without.
  17. Well if that's the case, I won't even bother. Not gonna risk hurting myself when it's not even based around bodyweight. Have fun lol
  18. What's the difference between natural and organic?! o.O The stuff I get is the Woolworths Macro wholefoods shit, since that's the only peanut butter I've found that lists "100% peanuts" in the ingredients.
  19. make deadlifts 1.5x bodyweight IMO! Coz that works out to 110kg for shrimps like me doesn't put me at a disadvantage.
  20. Impressive I reckon I could get 15 if I pushed it, though the lower back pump and subsequent cramping and potential irritation of my SIJ are enough to put me off trying it any time soon
  21. That's the plan (though a dirt bike, at least while I'm restricted on my Ls) however I can do that until I f**k this car off. I'm either going to strip it for parts and get roughly $11k give or take for everything, or sell the shell as it is now for $10k neg, registered, and legally engineered. I essentially am blaming part of my bad mood and HORRIFIC FEELING in my gut on organic peanut butter lol...ate like 6 rye biscuits with peanut butter last night. The last time I did that I also felt this way (last Friday). Correlation may not equal cause, but f**k it that'll do for now.
  22. Car runs great, I'm just over it. It's pushing me dangerously close to depression lol
  23. Define "changing" grip. Do you mean swapping hands with alternate grip, or just gripping the bar again as your hands start to slip?
  24. haha that would have ended with me hitting the kangaroo even faster, dude.
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