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About hamiltonau

  • Birthday 31/03/1979

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    Sydney City
  • Interests
    one day owning Terry's GTR34 N1

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    Skyline R33 GTST s2
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  1. these are people walking along the street, driving next to you or in your car? so random. ive never had anyone comment on my driving unless i cut them off and even then its usually just a shake of the head or the dreaded one finger salute. How do you have the time to chat to all these people? I spose at 40km/h they could just jog along next to you..
  2. ah crap i gotta remember to stop hotlinking from motherless slow day today, might head down to gym in a bit. lulz thread is looking a little empty though, so first things first..
  3. sorry trozzle, i had to go back and check. now i see the build thread section...my bad. will start a proper one with pics and all when i can get around to it, went to gym today after a footlong meatball cheese sub with extra cheese, a bucket of KFC, the cookies, 2 extra long Churros with chocolate dip and...well you get the idea the places i got all this stuff are literally within 20m of my gym. doesnt help much. then attempted to be first on the board for the Jetts weekly challenge 20 ski jumps 20 squat jumps 20 push ups 20 burpees there may have been another thing in there but either by the time i got to the burpies i was dying., made the rookie error of not waiting half an hour after eating and nearly brang it all back up again right there in the gym with the hot gym girl in tights timing me. she was very impressed with the loud grunts i was making by that point im sure but i dont know if hurling would have been what pushed me into phone number territory.. anyway 2.22 was my time, anyone up for beating it? No one else at the gym has yet (might have something to do with the girl only having just wrote it up today..) oh and jane. this is why men place themselves strategically around the gym there is even an entire thread devoted to the topic over here.. http://www.skylinesa...l-asses-thread/ my gym is pretty close to UTS and Sydney uni so i get lots of young students in the above gear. Its the only thing that gets me on the treadmill..
  4. epic first post chris whats the point if they are doing the limit anyway?
  5. oh facepalm yeah totally, u done goofed john. I would have had the bodgy one on for sure and raced past speed camera daily for the lulz..
  6. some pics from janes phone as she is too lazy/busy to get on here
  7. aww if it was front plate u would have been gold
  8. yeah the mood lifting component almost makes it worth doing even if its just that your not wrong about my diet, last five meals were from McGreasyking so i cant argue with you there, i am cutting out fries and getting one burger instead of two though! went to gym for a bit of a bash at the weights, was kind of fun watching a movie on the ipad at the same time..
  9. i think we just glimpsed the matrix..
  10. strong post nikk can we go back to flaming him now? this is pretty much how i picture OP
  11. cant wait to meet this guy at the next cruise should be good for a laugh IBTL
  12. so i have been hovering at around 95-98 kg for 10plus years now always had wide shoulders which offset any noticable bulge around the middle but as im getting older (33) its harder and harder to hide the gut and the years of bad food and sedentary living have taken their toll. pics etc soon but basically this article spurred me to post in here http://www.predatornutrition.com/10-Reasons-Not-To-Go-Jogging been jogging on and off for a while so the article annoyed me no end. will stick to heavy weights at the gym a little more often and the occasional sprint on the tready..be interesting to see if a dedicated approach bears fruit. running almost daily had me down to 93kg and a leaner figure a few months ago but i gotta admit that once the marathon was run (urban athlon in sydney) i slacked off. a lot. anyway point is.. how legit is this ''dont jog you fools!' mantra?
  13. thanks for the IRL lulz people. skylow is my new hero
  14. so everyone is meeting there right? no cruise TO the lunch ?
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